Ghost of Ehrmantraut

I can't see Fielder as a team player. Probably self contained/Straight Man parts would work pretty well. Paul Scheer would be good, as he does have a particular weirdness. And if Black and Showalter are thrown in, just grab the rest of The State as well. Easy enough for pretend time.

He did. He's also the other dude in all the Andy Daly Pilot Podcasts and is super funny on Superego. "I call women Scarebags. They give me the fearing."

Fuck me forever for forgetting Seth Morris.

Matt Gourley. And Chelsea Perreti is a great addition.

So, Kroll Show is ending. Mulaney needs work. Parks and Rec is done. CBB can only have so many guests at a time. How about a supergroup sketch show?

The Teaching Company. Great Thinkers of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition. Prof. Grant Hardy. Combination History/Philosophy. Highly recommended.

Sadly, no. Just Ogre Battle on SNES. I have heard good things about the N64 iteration, but I haven't bothered with an emulator. Maybe Ebay and boredom get their day.

The music. God damn. Let me tell you about the music. At some point shortly after High School, I put the theme to this film on a mix tape, as was the style at the time. My buddy and I would drive along old country roads, getting high and looking at nature. This was the perfect soundtrack. Occasionally, the

Cosgrove had the best one.

Comedy Bang Bang special features. Chicken Salad. George Saunders. Lectures on Daoism. Ginger tea. Looking for good Chalkboard Paint.

Arrow is fun. Occasionally silly, occasionally great, but fun. Decent barometer for these things. Or watch The Simpsons and witness the whole spectrum.

Ogre Battle for SNES. Trying to convince folks that S01E03 of Mad Men is as culturally valuable as Hamlet. Napping. Peter Rollins lectures. Jellybeans.

You lucky so and so. I would love to amnesia myself and rediscover some NMH.

In terms of three word awful swing band names, Squirrel Nut Zippers is still comfortably behind Cherry Poppin' Daddies, which may win creepy band name of all time.

This was the year my incessant need for gaming finally gave up the ghost. Less time. Less money. Other media taking precedence. Who knows how long this will last, but the controllers are dusty and the loot lies unclaimed in a thousand moldering dungeons. So it shall remain. Unless PS4 gets DLNA or I get bored or

I live in a converted cabin in the woods, and the cats get the stares all the time. I am fairly certain there are spooks.

Hallucinations and no sleep due to illness. PT Anderson marathon. Punch Drunk Love, The Master, TWBB. Orange Juice and Piers Anthony audio books from my youth. Podcasts. Bojack goddamn Horseman. Visions of myself as an old man and Batman quotes\Tom Waits crooning in this new croaky sick voice. I gotta clean the

I have the flu. A horse explained the desperate human need for god and the nonexistence thereof. Is anything real?

Tiny Terry loooves his pickles.