Frank and Sadie Doyle

I liked Dan's work with Gorillaz, and she's a fine actress, but this song sucks. The whole thing sounds like a shitty Japanese movie trailer song, or something out of a video game with dancing.

Everything this guy says is wrong, always. He just loves to firstie. And the idea of a 17-year old kid growing up in Southeast Asia and sitting in "a car with a New Wave fan, a South Central gangbanger and a Metalhead" makes me smile in disbelief.

Your gonna die what? What happens to the gonna?

Um, the episode cost more than Blackwater, which had an $8mil budget? Not a regular TV budget; more than the director's feature-length film budgets. Just saying.

A reasonable response. I listened to about half a dozen of the videos linked above, but it's just not for me. Lady Gaga definitely has some crappy songs, but if those links above are the 'Poker Face' or the 'Telephone' or the 'Bad Romance' of K-Pop, then I'm a bit disappointed.

So angry! So desperate to always post first and so angry! By all means, enjoy your J-pop. Maybe try something a little more soothing, too. Like Sigur Ros, or Xanax. It's just the internet, kid!

I think it's the opinion of most Westerners. How long have people been predicting the massive invasion of J-pop and K-pop? It's been twenty years since Power Rangers, and we've got Pokemon, Yugioh, Dragonballz, J-horror….people are fine with Japan. Just not their shitty pop music.

Counterpoint - J-Pop and K-pop sound terrible to most people who grew up in the West. It is all fucking terrible. It's not that they don't play instruments or write their own songs - plenty of pop stars are just performers lip-syncing on stage. Maybe the linguistic differences make Korean and Japanese singing less

Midwife training aside, they're not nurses or doctors. If the baby isn't breathing, they can't do anything. If they need an emergency c-section, they can't do anything. If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck and they can't manually fix it, they can't do anything.

OK I will stop after BEES BEES BEES BEES

Please get me help

The dog barking from Jane's addiction? / Men in Black - Uh an Uh an Uh an Uh an Uh an

Talking Heads / "Butts and I cannot Lie Butts and I cannot Lie Butts and I cannot Lie"

And now I think it's Homer Simpson / Hampsterdance / Dave Matthews / Sir Mix-A-Lot / Austin Powers. Tears are flowing down my face as my dog looks on confusedly.

Oh my god, I just got to the part where the whistling comes in…then silent…then 'Float On' plus 'All Star'. This is hysterical.

I really got a sour taste in my mouth while listening to 'Dad Is Fat' and hearing his opinion that doctors and nurses are terrible for delivering babies, and that doing them all at home with a midwife is good enough. Yes, ha ha, people deliver babies all the time, and yes, ha ha, people (mostly the elderly and the

PLEASE do not worship his alter, Gim Jaffigan, the skinny vegan murderer. The FBI has been after him since the Hot Pocket Killings of 2004-2005, and Gim doesn't need any more encouragement!


I'm Torgo….I look after things while the Master is away

I thought it was 'shove off'?