"A boy and his box off to see the universe." Aaaw!
"A boy and his box off to see the universe." Aaaw!
How about guys getting bonked on the head? Tangled alone gives us about 187 examples.
Glover is awesome. Chewing the scenery He, Rosenbaum, and Mack lit up every scene they were in. Durance, well, it's weird. I kind of feel like her acting devolved since she started. She was REALLY good (not Emmy good of course) in the earlier years. The Season Five ep "Tomb" comes to mind, when she's in the basement.…
I apparently wasted ten years and deserve this finale. Look, I liked it. It's nowhere near the best, and it's usually pretty far from great, but I liked the darn thing. So if my wasting ten years or deserving a subpar finale is a bad reflection—on what, my personal tastes?—then there's no helping it. I'm a shit person…
C+ sounds about right
I'm probably one of the few, if not, the only, person on this site to admit to being a huge Smallville fan. I love it, warts and all. The final five or so minutes really sold the episode on me, and reminded me why I spent a decade watching this often rocky series in the first place. The episode…
Run, LOLA, run!
I've been fervently avoiding them
I guess I can give it a look. Most mashup trailers I see on YouTube are awful crap, since the dubbing never matches the mouth-movements (like God intended them, duh).
The little girl was awesome. The "gruff old man softened by the plucky little girl who peels away his standoffish, protective layer by being adorable" trope can cause eyes to roll, but it was done well tonight.
"How bad were Jesse's grades that he was kicked out of college after one semester?" Outside the theatre, I have a feeling Jesse is a pretty stupid person. At least he has insider information: Did you know we're in a recession, whatever that is?
Totally manufactured drama there. Apparently, the writer felt the episode wouldn't be complete without the obligatory guys pushing each other and girls going, "You're ruining everything!" Oh, and then whaddayaknow, Quinn slapped Rachel for truly no reason.
The child molesters won't be happy with this one.
Or Marshall's friend from S1 of United States of Tara.
Bizarro Tara?
He sure showed that cake a thing or two!
Great turnout in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
I walked away with a lot of new shit, most of them free.
I do right by my younger siblings my inundating them with A:tLA. They'll have the most discriminating tastes in their class by sixth grade. Thanks, unemployed big brother, they will say.
I hate SFU so much, but I'd read the reviews, especially if they're nit-picky.
Many agree Season Three of VM is the weakest, but that's like saying it's the least shiny piece of gold. It was still better than much of the rest of TV.
More cents: It just occurred to me that there's also this anime called Ghost Stories. It's a very interesting case where the Japanese creators all but acknowledge their show sucks and they give the English dubbing team the go-ahead to go nuts on the script. Dunno if it'd make for a good series for a writer to cover,…
Darn thread is long. My two cents: A.V. Club could always use more anime. Many gems are out there, desperate for us to judge them. I totally agree Paranoia Agent should be featured some time. And Neon Genesis Evangelion. That last episode could yield some interesting discussion.