
I've only seen a few episodes because for a couple of weeks I wanted to be an anthropology major, but I'd rather watch this than C.S.I. or any other CBS shit. It's probably bad that I watched the episode with the Avatar subplot though, 'cause good lord that was awful.

Had no idea there were people out there who didn't love River. Weird!!!

A good alternative to spanking!

Here's as good a place as any
To admit that I don't think Toni does a *perfect* job as Tara. I'll preface this by saying I don't blame her, and she's a phenomenal actress . . . but some moments ring false for me because of the way she tries livening up the dialogue she's given. Hey, it's a noble effort, but she

I'm actually backwards compared to most of you. I really dig this "Judas" track, but I found "Bad Romance" and practically everything after (including "Telephone" and "Born This Way") to not be what I came to expect from Lady Gaga. She has a knack for creating ear-worms, but lately, they've just been mildly catchy and

Is that like the second time he's said "frickin'" in one of his songs? Look, go hard or go home. Frickin' is for pansies.

Rory looked *good*. And before, I wasn't really attracted to her, but now I think I'd like to bang Alex Kingston.

I've been introducing my younger siblings to Doctor Who's gallery of monsters. The Angels were a must of course. If they haven't been traumatized like I have when I was a kid, then I haven't done my job as Geek Culture Feeding Big Brother (someone has to!). When they say they want to see Rio, I say no, we're watching

Doctor Who's been doing a really good job at presenting homosexual people but not being any bit boisterous about it in a look-at-me way. For example, there was the aging lesbian couple in "Gridlock" and Sky from "Midnight," among many other examples. Contrast this to a certain musical TV show currently airing.

A Case of Overthinking It
Did anyone else see an upside down Silent head in the painting of the woman in the dress behind Amy? This was when she was in the little girl's room, cornered by Silence.

@Tedocria: Aaaah. Well, now that's less funny.

Community aims for sentiment, true, but not to the extent you make it out to be. Really now.

I love how they complain about The Group taking over everything, yet they reminisce about their (The Group's) adventures.

Looks like Shirley found her wet nurse!

That reaction shot of Britta in Shirley's dress was amazing.

You loser! I've seen all of them. In fact, I've seen every film of marginal cultural importance ever made. Take that, suckers!

Quelle surprise
Surprised there are no French New Wave movies there. Lots of pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-everything dicks love to say they've seen the works of Godard but prefer Truffaut.

Was literally watching an ep with her in it
Right before I read the news. The eccentric in me thought I was responsible or somehow related ('cause I was watching a really heartfelt goodbye between her and Ten). It's a shame that cancer claimed another life, but at least she's left a legacy.

I feel bad for Tara
because a lot of shit gets blamed on her when it's her alters (mostly T.) who are supposed to be held responsible. Marshall blames his MOTHER for kissing the youngest Lawrence brother when it was T. Charmaine blames Tara for her problems when she's oblivious to the fact that she's probably one of

Best ep so far of the season
Everything just careened out of control. It was spectacular. Yes, I cringed so hard during Kate's plot just asking for it to all be over, but it kept going. I feel rather bad for the writers, actors, everyone involved in the show; they of course didn't expect their hard work to be