Important point! As frustrating as CU's acting was, I think it was reasonable tradeoff for getting the thing actually made, which probably would not have happened without a "big" name such as hers.
Important point! As frustrating as CU's acting was, I think it was reasonable tradeoff for getting the thing actually made, which probably would not have happened without a "big" name such as hers.
You could do a better job as a comedian?
For what it's worth, turns out as a sandwich artist, you're probably the only actual artist on this thread.
I mean would ya look at the caruncles on that hen!
I'm kind of impressed how PornHub has turned itself into an educational resource about our porn consumption. And Jesus, Argentina must be really busy on New Year's Eve.
Oooh right good call.
It could clearly still need to generally center around Nucky and AC nominally (because how gorgeous are the boardwalk and Onyx set pieces…), but how cool would that be! What's there left in AC anyway? Angela's in jail, Chalky's out of town, Narcisse will likely be spending more time in NYC snooping on Marcus Garvey,…
Great interview with someone who clearly knows TV serial drama. It clearly shows in the final product, but I like how he discusses the fact that the show doesn't waste airtime just to make sure a particular character's in an episode. It gives gravity to the moments that we do spend with characters, and because an hour…
Kind of amazing how just when you think Richard's character may have peaked after the massacre at the brothel o'horrors, he gets a nice spotlight this season and his character is wrapped up before he jumps the shark. I enjoy long-lasting characters as much as the next person, but they really did right by me as far as…
Good point - I think Antonacci's portrayal is fantastic, though as you say he is being portrayed by a much older actor than the man was at the time. Again, I don't see it as a problem, but IRL he was born days before Arnold Rothstein.
I must have totally missed this scene at some point this season
FWIW, I was not expecting Patricia Arquette & Daughter Maitland to both make it to the end of the season, even if they do end up working at shitty dive bars.
Some thoughts, because I know you all care:
I demand the AV Club fire Kathleen Sibelius!!
Apparently I'm not the only one getting used to the new system, but how many other websites take into account the sensitivities of its users like AVC does? The fact that they deigned to write a piece addressing complaints isn't something you ever see anywhere else. I've got my own complaints (I agree with the person…
They sell coats. I've got nothing against them (well, they are owned by Bain Capital, but anyway), but if you haven't heard of them, you're not missing much.
They should just get Cornel West - he can come straight from a lecture dressed the part.
Also a great folk song, and while they have a different subject matter, they both involve guys who prove an important societal point and promptly die afterwards (spoiler alert?).
If I'm not mistaken, while the rough melody of the song is older than both "John Brown's Body" and "Battle Hymn of the Republic", the latter was written after hearing the former.
Wow. Well put.