
I got my call—I'm going to be a contestant on Jeopardy! They have a slot for me in about a month. That's not much time, and I have a lot of other things in my life going on right now (between the audition and the call, I accepted a dream writing commission with a tight deadline, and I also have some major health

To me, the concept of Mon-El shouldn't work, but the actor's charisma and line delivery makes him one of my favorite characters. Dude's funny.

I love that Kara actually comes across as prissy when she's with him. It adds a dimension to her character.

That scene was fantastic, and I love that the doctor's obliviousness to some very bad lying was eventually justified in that he's an alien, too.

I didn't get Jar-Jar from the alien; more like Zathras from Babylon 5, though at this point, it's becoming an obscure reference.

Did your broadcast cut out? We literally watched her scribble the note down and stuff it in Janet's mouth while Michael was out of the room.

I was a little thrown off by that, since Kristen Bell played Eleanor in a high school flashback. But I suppose that might imply that she was emancipated very young (like, 14 possibly?), and by the time she had that moment in high school, she'd been on her own for awhile.

Oh, good point! If it's Chidi's book, does he have the same exact book in the reset, with that page missing, as more proof that they'd interacted despite not remembering it?

Chidi was also tortured when Michael threw his life's work in the trash. (Oh, man, the flashback to that scene—we'd initially read Michael's glee as obliviousness, but he knew the pain he was inflicting!) Tahani got frustrated when her attempts to please got her nowhere. I have no doubt that Michael will make sure

Something occurred to me—were Tahani and Jason picking up garbage or flying? It's funnier if NONE of the humans got to fly, and the only people in the air were Bad Place employees who've probably already flown millions of times in their eternal existence.

I'm pretty sure that Janet's character development won't be completely undone. If we get another season, I expect that she'll have lingering feelings for Jason, even if she doesn't know why.

No, that's exactly how it went down in the premiere. Eleanor got to see "real Eleanor's" memories, which is how she knew right away that she didn't deserve to be there.

I would love for that to be a hitch in season 2 — Eleanor falling for Tahani and messing up the chemistry that way.

As does the Good Place neighbor blaming that on Eleanor instead of on Michael. The twist covers that completely.

Many people guessed it was actually The Bad Place, but I don't know of anyone who predicted it was The Bad Place for four specific people and that everyone else was a fake.

I was so happy when that was revealed, too. I'm looking forward to her becoming an accomplice next season.

Wow, this show! It just made about 85% of our discussions irrelevant, and I love it for that!

It was Jason.

To be clear, I'm not upset with the decisions she made. I just dislike Stephen Root's speech that he could count on her to make them because she's 100% consistent.

I'm not pleased with Juliana being The Most Especialist Person in the Multiverse with a Heart so Pure that She can Do No Wrong in Any Reality, mostly because it runs counter to a series filled with gray and grayer morality. If she's always the most moral, no matter her circumstances or universe, then is it really a