
That was a roller coaster: "Cool, she's taking the 'women in tech' angle…Oh, no, she's shutting down because a modem is too 'technical'…Donna's got this, she can explain…Nope, women be shopping. Argh…Maybe it wasn't SO bad, right?"

So THAT'S why his name isn't in the opening credits.

It's how AMC handles finales. I've seen them do the same for Mad Men and Better Call Saul.

That was a fantastic reveal. As you said, the audience realizes it as the character does, and that rarely happens. Like Joe, we assumed that the police were there to chase down Ryan, so we share his confusion, then his horror. Nothing was telegraphed, yet it didn't come from nowhere.

Yeah, that stuck out to me, too. They do so much good period decoration (I've recognized several lamps!), so it was really jarring to see Cameron surrounded by 2010s labels.

"Bye bye, Ryan."

So, it turns out the falling body in the Mad Men intro was from another show altogether. Well played, AMC.

…Are you me?

Heh, when that happened, I said, "There are going to be riots at old folks' homes over this change."

FJ at our home:
*sees Phuket as the first word in the clue*
Me: What is Thailand?
Husband: Yeah…but wait, Thailand isn't an island.
Me: Phuket is in Thailand. It's Thailand.
Husband: Shouldn't it be Indonesia? They're islands.
Me: Phuket is in Thailand.
Husband: And wasn't the tsunami in Indonesia? I'm confused.
Me: I'm

I remember them using "WHO READS," as well.

Jay S., you have the category for DD1 wrong. It's "CATCH THESE MEN," as it is an SNL Celebrity Jeopardy! reference.

Dunning-Kruger is a bitch, innit?

Not following up with "Clark" after Bonnie tested out "Lewis" was unforgivably stupid.

Man, that contestant in the middle was useless. His wrong answers indicate that he doesn't know nearly as much as he thinks he knows. Once I figured out FJ, I was pretty certain that he'd get it wrong.

Oh, the roommate clue. My first thought was, "Because you need to split the rent." I realized that the difference between that and her clue of, "Because you have an extra bedroom," is probably one of privilege.

This show has improved my opinion of Rosie O'Donnell. I'm about as liberal as they come, but she's the type of celebrity who sometimes made it embarrassing to be on the same side of the political spectrum. Someone who antagonizes more people than she wins over. So, it's great to see her in what appears to be her


Jeopardy! Objection! Digression! Comment:

That's why I appreciate shows like "Better Call Saul" and "The Americans." They noticeably don't spell things out for you.