
When Betsy ran to check on the money, I laughed out loud. She's hilariously terrible.

Whoever scouted that house for the Kettlemans did a fantastic job. So much space for visual storytelling.

…and that's why both Kettlemans were dressed in orange tonight.

I haven't rewound to confirm, but my husband thinks that the guy who bumped into Jimmy in the bathroom was on a poster.

I noticed that the Kettlemans were dressed to match, but then when they rode the elevator, I realized that they were in orange — as in, prison orange.

Oh, I agree with everything you wrote. I just have a bug up my ass tonight about people seeing Paige join a church and assuming she's evangelical/conservative/Republican.

I don't think that's true. They distrust religion, but they wouldn't attach political conservatism to it.

I missed that it was him the first time he was on the screen, but realized who it was when the camera returned to him. Even that was more a matter of knowing television conventions (a guy that visible wouldn't appear a second time unless he's significant, and oh look, it's Philip) than recognizing him though the

Why do you think Paige appears "conservative"? She's attending a liberal church.

When they found the bug, I wondered whether Clark had ever prepared Martha for such an event. Even if he had, she'd still be nervous — but not concealing full-blown panic like she was there. There's a difference between, "I did what Clark said, and I hope it works!" and, "OH GOD OH GOD I DON'T KNOW I THINK IT'S

I love that he told her, and I loved that she immediately knew the unspoken reason why he told her — he's already got one kid fighting for the cause, PLEASE stop implying that he doesn't understand that feeling about Paige. And I love that, like you said, it only brought them closer together. Their marriage has come a

It was Gaad! Based on the preview, it looks as though his career suffers collateral damage from the Jenningses yet again.

Actually, I've been thinking that something big might happen with Henry at the end of the season, since all of their attention has been focused on Paige.

It's not an evangelical church, though — at least, it's not part of the "Moral Majority," to use the parlance of the time. It's a liberal church, hence the political activism.

I was just thinking about Bob Odenkirk's short screen time and thought that the episode is unusual in that it isn't a step on the path from Jimmy to Saul. But then I realized that, in those five minutes, Jimmy's perception of Mike has changed forever.

Not a huge gamble, as he pretty much knew they would use his gun, since he figured that they would want to make it look like a suicide.

Amusing thought after such an intense episode: Did anyone else watch Jonathan Banks's interview on Conan? When Mike grabbed the maxi pad, I thought of young, young Jonathan Banks's reaction to his girlfriend announcing her period.

Exactly. It takes a lot of chutzpah to use him as little as they did in this episode.

As I post in a later comment (before I saw this one):

Of all the comments, yours earns a "Gotdamn!"