
So, would Hook be a pants role, or would Mrs. Darling be a queen?

I was hoping the accompanying photo would be Alec Baldwin as Hector Moreda as the Generalissimo.

…Aw, it turns out that the Yellow Deli's cult is a lot more recent. There goes that daydream.

Heh, with that "Christian commune" comment and San Diego a possibility, I wonder whether he was part of the cult that operates the Yellow Deli.

And those 500,000 copies every year other than 2013 were to high schoolers across the country.

So far, I'm impressed by Jen's betting strategies. I don't remember whether she encountered any DDs in her first game (I know she didn't in this game), but her wagers in FJ have been smart and non-risk-averse.

I have an eleven-month-old son, and he's at that stage where some expressions he looks like a baby and other expressions he looks like a toddler. I don't think I'd make it through this movie without weeping, is what I'm saying.

Also—the "band name" category reminded me of the "bad superhero" (or was it supervillian?) category from a few weeks ago. Stop it, J. They're not going to happen.

Oh, we yelled at the television when her bet was revealed. Her choices were get a guaranteed $2000 or risk getting $1000 for a chance at at least $23,000. That was the stupidest goddamn FJ wager I have ever seen. The math wasn't even hard! Everybody's optimal bet was obvious!

I think the real indicator will be when a contestant consistently starts with the high-dollar clues, even beyond obvious DD hunting. That set Arthur apart, and it was very effective — but also extremely unpopular.

Are we post-Chu yet? Howard started off looking like he wanted to go DD hunting, but lost his nerve and fell into playing the "nice" way.

The real song, or the version from the episode?

- Mary Dyer's inspired speech
- Bill Hader lip-synching Jenny Slate's giggles in character
- Adam Scott as John Wilkes Booth. Just…everything.

Was anyone else uncomfortable by the way Alex dwelled on Jill's beauty at the end of her interview? It felt very paternalistic and creepy to me.

The other classic movie failure was absolutely an instance where someone should have rung in after a mistake. If they ask for a swashbuckler and it's not Errol Flynn, it MUST be Douglas Fairbanks!

They discontinued the feature because 90% of the answers were Unico in the Island of Magic.

The Musicologist Weighs In on a Classical Music Category: I was pleasantly surprised that Chris launched into this one at $800 instead of $400, showing a willingness to hunt for the DD in this category. His suspicions were correct, though a triple-stumper about a performer rather than a composer midway through the

They can't get rid of him. They need him to chew the scenery to keep it from getting overgrown.

And Anna sounds Irish at times, Selah spoke with his jaw clenched even before he was sent to the prison ship, and I don't know WHAT Caleb is trying to be.

The imaginary friend is played by the actress who would play August in "Third Rock from the Sun" (proving once again that all "Twilight Zone" threads come back to John Lithgow).