
MIstakes will be made….

That cage of rats he has…the possibilities are endless what he could do with just one cage of rats

Theon was pretty easily manipulated by the dirtiest, grossest worst father figure in the show, so I doubt Ramsay would have had much trouble with him after he fucked over the entire north. He had his chance…he just blew it. repeatedly.

That poorly handled windmill coup still biting him in the ass

That was a pleasant surprise, wasn't it?

Seriously. Even the gay guy who works in the brothel's ass would have been fine. But the high septon??

somehow i see him ending up in bed sometime with Dany. No less than he deserves, and finally hot man ass. Let's hope…

I had hoped when we saw him again he wouldn't still be wearing that turquoise scarf. After the Brienne makeover, Renly needed to turn his attention to Jorah.

Yeah, without his Mena Suvari blonde bob wig he just blends right in

But unlike Ned, Sansa doesn't actually tell her enemies she plans to expose them and leave herself wide open for the dungeons. I think she can make this happen if she toughens up.

My hope is that Ramsay falls for Sansa like the Hound did and becomes her puppet of torture. Ramsay is who he is- he tortured Theon, who totally deserved it after betraying Robb, fucking over Winterfell, and roasting those innocent boys. Roose is another matter and I like the idea of Ramsay flaying Roose alive while

I don't know…I like to imagine it felt really good to behead some asshole who mouthed off to him first day on the job…

No it was the baby murdering that did it for Tyrion. Not a moment too soon either. Slynt around when Joffrey really got going??

Please. The North will follow Hodor if he comes back as if there are no real Starks left.

I see a Rickon/Shaggydog coming back for that one…wolf chow.

If she flays them alive and hangs them from the walls, they'll blend right in. They all look like Bodies: The Exhibit when they're flayed.