
Are Grapenuts flakes still a thing? Best damn cereal I've ever had, but I only found them at a Walmart Neighborhood Market that's now closed.

Which one is Worm and which is Blaze?

Wow, I totally forgot about that song, but it's fantastic. Thanks.

So you're hitting cool, just like Jimmy Iovine?

I didn't care much for that song until I heard it live while standing in the pit. The stage lights turned towards the crowd during the "The earth rose above me / My eyes filled with sky" line and bathed everyone with this bright orange light and well…it just worked really well.

Yes you did. The PNW is a beautiful part of the country, but there's this nucleus of insufferable, marginally-employed white people in Portland that drove me nuts. That, and the traffic is pretty terrible.

Funny you mention that: Mike Judge said the same thing during an interview about the origin of his satire. Judge actually worked as a Milton before becoming an engineer, which is why Office Space works so well: dude's been there.

Or is he???

Dear god seeing Uncle Jack wear huge, fake hands had me in stitches. And then one of them flies off and he starts freaking out in the courtroom. I'm laughing just thinking about it.

One of my favorite Springsteen solos is during this performance of Sting's "I Hung My Head." Bruce totally makes that song his own.

Agreed. The drums in the studio version sound all wrong, like Max is playing at a different rhythm from the rest of the band. My technical knowledge of music is zero, so this is the best I can describe it.

Magic. "I'll Work For Your Love" is a gem. Besides being one of Springsteen's best love songs, it reminds me of his early stuff: prominent keyboards and fun, beautiful, if a bit florid songwriting.

"Jesus Was An Only Son" leaves me a bit misty-eyed, I admit. I love how he takes the Jesus story, humanizes it, and makes it simply about the love a mother has for her son. I'd still attend Mass every week if the experience was more like listening to that song.

Yep it really is classic Bruce, along with a tint of hopefullness: "Love's a fool's dance / I ain't got much sense / But I still got my feet"

Bruce has the "rocker who sends old venues out in style" niche locked down. Heard him play "Wrecking Ball" to send out The Dump That Jumps last March in LA and the crowd loved it.

High Hopes is worth it for "The Wall" alone. The biting way in which Bruce sings "Robert McNamara says he's sorry" is the perfect epitaph for the man.

That's just a straight shooter with upper management written all over him.

This is a crude comparison, I know, but U.S. higher education has this Church-before-the-Reformation vibe right now.