Jean Prouvaire

> try not to rely on lazy jokes and stereotyping. An example of
this is an episode which opens with Leonard and Sheldon realising that
they're been robbed, and Sheldon remarks that, thankfully, his comics
were not stolen. According to the laugh track, this was hilarious.

I think about her in Dune

This would be the scene in question (I actually referenced it in another post):

Yeah, when I used to play D&D, there were never any girls.

The person who did the AV Club's TBBT reviews this year posited that Sheldon (until late in the season at least) was actually the primary antagonist of the show. It was a pretty sound argument to be honest.

Yeah, I know. I was just being sarcastic. Peace.

> But if you "rewatch TBBT and HIMYM a lot", do you pick up on new stuff?
Any layers in there or just jokes you got on the first time?

The show employs a physics professor as consultant. He's responsible for vetting scripts for accuracy and expanding the [insert technobabble] directions. He also does the equations on the whiteboards and has been known to throw in some very obscure jokes on them.

@avclub-52e423907968ddd10bbd2ec76092a7fc:disqus Not to be snarky, but it's worth bearing in mind that he actually hasn't seen any episodes of the show he's criticising. He has read the script of one episode and has had to act one scene from it, and he's seen parts of some other episodes. But his comments aren't

@avclub-f688ae53ecd9ab39288ac465aa4f86d8:disqus Bialik is the best thing to happen to the show since Parsons. Arguably even better maybe as they haven't (yet?) overused her character.

> Troy and Abed are massive nerds, but are neither boring or painful to watch

If we're going with the food analogy… and even if you hadn't brought it up… there's also the simple matter of taste. Not standards. Taste. Not everyone likes sour, not everyone likes salty, not everyone likes sweet.

Agreed. And it's clear that Sheldon loves his mom, despite their vast differences. In no way (that matters) does he look down on her.

The first time I saw this episode I laughed out loud at the punchline.

> and was getting his PhD while he was teaching us, so I don't know what that tattoo ended up being

Add a fourth hand and you can play that guitar in your avatar.

So… how do I become a "real" geek then?

That's why I'm hoping for a little indy flick Chekhov movie.

> How rarely is that displayed with Sheldon in TBBT? At best Sheldon seems to just tolerate the other characters.

@avclub-35209f041aca848f4c90c6a0d0fcb97e:disqus Melinda May does not have a direct counterpart in either the Marvel or "Ultimate Marvel" comic book universes, as far as I'm aware.