Jean Prouvaire

One of my favourite romcoms is Broadcast News. The first few times I saw it it used the frustrate the shit out of me that there wasn't a traditional movie happy ending. Because I loved the characters. But over time I realised that the more ambiguous ending was the much stronger one. Bittersweet endings are the best

Now I'm worried the kids will be called JJ and Abram.

Actually, I think it is that kind of show. They've not been afraid to contrast the tragic with the joyous to great effect. Look at the season one finale for an excellent example. Banksofnoon may be onto something…

> As much as I love this show's obsession with Star Wars, I kind of want
the mother to be a Trekkie or something just for conflict

He also took over Leo Bloom in The Producers (the role originated by Matthew Broderick in the musical).

It was the highlight of the episode. Radnor and Milioti have amazing chemistry - no doubt a big reason why she was cast. Already very cute, she got an order of magnitude more beautiful when they were together. (Just as Ted got an order of magnitude less douchey.)

He got over his incest phobia real quick, didn't he?

Going to be oblique here as some people don't want to be spoiled even a little.  I found a list of episode titles this season. I thought one of those titles meant one thing, but maybe it actually means something else.

Okay, maybe not the least interesting, but certainly far from the most interesting, judged on a combination of writing and performance:

Not sure what you're implying by "recently". Mendes was an acclaimed theatre director for decades before he got into film.

I read that when it came out - great writeup. The story about Fosse hitting on Jessica Lange with his dancing is hysterical.

@franklinshepard The Chocolate Factory Merrily is the best production of the show (my favourite Sondheim) I've ever seen. It's fantastic. I so regret being able to see it only once; hopefully the screening will reflect the experience of seeing it live.
I used to be a firm believer in the "young actors play old" school

I hope product placement will never get any worse than 24's "They'll never get through the Cisco router".

Leaked dialogue from next season's opener: "Harvey Specter sends his regards."

There are times when Suits is eminently watchable, usually when the intricate internecine plotting and backstabbing is foregrounded. But there are other times when it's just rote, workmanlike in concept and execution. And there are times when it's downright stupid.

Yes. Homeland has a limited shelf life built into its premise, or it'll turn into 24 or Dexter. But it hasn't quite reached its expiry date yet. I'd be happy if it ended after three seasons though, excellent acting performances notwithstanding.

I'm not sure that this is the inherent flaw that it appears to be

I find myself agreeing with much of the criticism leveled at The Newsroom while still enjoying the show enormously. Probably because even at their most indulgent Sorkin shows are highly watchable. He's still a great writer (no longer the greatest writer on TV… but he used to be) and his shows feature high quality

It would be remiss not to link this:

The "ambitious woman from the B-string show with her sights set on our heroes' chair" is a storyline Sorkin has used before. (Recall Mount Sally from Sports Night.) Given Sorkin's propensity to reuse plot devices, I wouldn't be surprised to see this appear next season.