Jean Prouvaire

Didn't Rachel say that Glass Menagerie would have Peter Dinklage in it? So how could it be anything other than awesome, with Dinklage as the unicorn?

Didn't Rachel say that Glass Menagerie would have Peter Dinklage in it? So how could it be anything other than awesome, with Dinklage as the unicorn?

Yeah, no way in Hades is that woman dead.

Yeah, no way in Hades is that woman dead.

I was certainly stunned. The lack of the other girls and the focus on the Penny/Leonard relationship made this feel like a season 2 episode… one from an alternative universe where Wil Wheaton didn't exploit Penny's L-word-phobia to break them up, but where she blurts out the words in the season finale maybe.

I was certainly stunned. The lack of the other girls and the focus on the Penny/Leonard relationship made this feel like a season 2 episode… one from an alternative universe where Wil Wheaton didn't exploit Penny's L-word-phobia to break them up, but where she blurts out the words in the season finale maybe.

I liked that the songs this week were from an actual musical. I seem to recall that when the show first started there was a comment from Murphy or one of the other creators that they would maintain a balance between musical theatre and non-musical theatre songs. Little did I know this balance would be something like

I liked that the songs this week were from an actual musical. I seem to recall that when the show first started there was a comment from Murphy or one of the other creators that they would maintain a balance between musical theatre and non-musical theatre songs. Little did I know this balance would be something like

Ah, The Underneath

Ah, The Underneath

Full of semen.

Full of semen.

Exactly. Her drama crying is the best in the business.

Exactly. Her drama crying is the best in the business.

Her romantic feelings have been buried by the shock of what she's learned, but they'll re-emerge later in the season is my guess. I think they'll make Deb either explicitly (not just implicitly) complicit in a killing and/or have her sleep with Dexter and/or have one of them kill the other… given the show's in its

Her romantic feelings have been buried by the shock of what she's learned, but they'll re-emerge later in the season is my guess. I think they'll make Deb either explicitly (not just implicitly) complicit in a killing and/or have her sleep with Dexter and/or have one of them kill the other… given the show's in its

The way they've been casting the role, I don't think the next Doctor's been born yet.

The way they've been casting the role, I don't think the next Doctor's been born yet.

It shouldn't have been as boring as it was because the show's exploring some potentially interesting ground: that the life-long dream you had in high school may not necessarily be the one that you'll have as an adult, whether that be in matters of love or vocation.

It shouldn't have been as boring as it was because the show's exploring some potentially interesting ground: that the life-long dream you had in high school may not necessarily be the one that you'll have as an adult, whether that be in matters of love or vocation.