Captain Deada

Don't ruin the end of Game of Thrones!


Hah, you misspelled "Angelina". Maybe. I honestly don't know or care.

"This is not my beautiful Obama!"

This was no motorboating accident!

Death is the pits.

OZ, the great and powerful!

Strong enough for a Dikachu, but pH balanced for cleaning a clogged toilet.

You're thinking of Michael Jackson.

Haha, he's such a Lollapaloozer.

Sucks to be you, Portapotty vacuum.

Sucks to be you, The Helmets.

You sure it wasn't a rerun of Sex and the City?

My Roy Batty pinball machine has a Dutch tilt.


Most of the people who have appeared on Highlights for Children aren't even hairstylists.

L's Angels

You've got to give it up to the NFL.

Agents of S.I.L.L.

Do you know dogs and weasels can smell aging references?