
hush now. was that necessary?

I agree with you 100% wade; looks like the beasties are getting a raw deal here

wrong song but

What was Elvis Presley's worst release?
the ejaculation that carried Lisa Marie!

can somebody please change the "week" in "It's a very week spiced-apple flavor." to "weak"???? it's really bothering me!

if Schwarzenegger is my governer
then goddammit, let Franken carry political weight, too!

hey tomwaits how about you cut the bullshit and come to your own conclusion about this music; I've got mine and I've been listening to radiohead for 10 damn years. you act like any dissenting opinion is beyond sacreligious but hey that's fine with me; radiohead is a good group, however, their self-righteous fan base

kid a, if not you mean Kid GHEYTM
you want to talk four albums better than that shit, let's talk about board of canada's GEOGADDI

damn straight

can suck a fuck
seriously, everything blows when his raised eyebrow "can you smell what the rock is cooking cuz I'm wild"-face is plastered up all over every damn piece of poster board in the city. everything sucks now.

that image of marky mark
during his wife's murder is so good I'm going to make it MY PICTURE


urtext, you are definitely right about high and low but I still feel like it's a pretty heady step away from this (the Liam Neeson) sort of ransom film t0wards the ransom film you described…

This has nothing to do with the conundrum at hand but
I remember once going to rhino records in LA before it closed after school one day and running in to Jay and Madlib crate-digging. I thought I was so cool 'cuz I went up to them and recited a line from Jaylib: "AND WHO SAID PRODUCERS AIN'T SUPPOSED TO RAP"… also,

" wonder if anyone has actually tried getting ransom for a complete stranger - 'Ok, I have a 58 year-old stationary engineer from Troy named Casper Tolleson - if you ever want to see him alive you'll have to give me $10,000, and then maybe look him up some time after I release him.'"

Nathan, am I missing something here? How does the "Ice Storm" fit into this film considering the fact that Cusak isn't in it?