
We were told end of last year Elliot threw himself out the window out of guilt for telling the secret.

They want him back in the game with them but he said no at first, then yes online so he knows Romero's dead and the arcade. Angela went to see him too but none of them know about the Ray stuff. They think he's still 'at his mother's'.

We've been told Elliot threw himself out the window out of guilt for telling his Mom Robot was sick.

We've been told Elliot threw himself out the window out of guilt for telling his mother Robot was sick.

Yeah you can summarize the main plot in like 4 sentences but I still loved every second of it. Its like the mirror twin of Orphan Black. Robot is clearly doing a slow burn this season but you can tell its all simmering to a major storm getting closer each week. OB likes its thriller episodes but still keeps the slower

Feh. Canada ripped off again with regular commercials. Though I must say being told I'm watching 90's USA Network with the Showcase logo still on the bottom was an extra layer of mindf-.

No, Petro has one of those "Shopper Points" programs. The task was literally grab a small grocery cart and run around the store part of the gas station buying enough things worth however many Points they gave them on a card.

Well they did have a Petro Canada shopping spree task that one time….

I thought Super Channel was basically dead of bankruptcy?

They're going to get backlash either way, always happens between countries.

It just went through like normal. Maybe the 'y'? Or Disqus really wants to see Johanna's nipples?

I don;t know what made me laugh harder:

I find it unsurprising but still hypocritical they can let a 'cunty' slip out but still cover Johanna's nipples.

They have a batch of interconnected Marvel that Peggy can't join because of time-frame. They're already getting a bunch of fanrage for not having the new Star Trek show in the US/Canada, they wouldn't want a repeat with a Marvel show.

Probably not until the 7th. Though if I want the full set on my PVR lke I have with all 40 Orphan Black I might need to risk it and just record the next 'NCIS' too.

I'm going a road trip by this time next week. Should I just hit record the night I leave and pray until I get home?

S3 isn't what I'd call bad, no Tony level episode some didn't like the Castor clones but I'd say them being raised together in the military of all places is purposely so they weren't all different and even still the guy did a pretty good job of making them a bit unique without the makeup/hair/wardrobe/accent changes

The S4 opener is a giant Beth flashback and the rest of her story is sprinkled throughout the season.

The villains are all under one umbrella this ear which streamlined the arc and it took us back and gave us the Beth story we've wondered about since day 1. Also MK (and Krystal if you didn't see her last year) continue to show new layers to Tatiana's range.

Mantracker reruns in my house.