If whoever it isn't isn't Tai and it happens right now, Ta is basically locked into F4. If it's severe enough we might even be short a jury member, wonder what they'd do then.
If whoever it isn't isn't Tai and it happens right now, Ta is basically locked into F4. If it's severe enough we might even be short a jury member, wonder what they'd do then.
Sadly no. Just CBS getting in on the fun since someone already put Mark on Facebook and Twitter.
How long do chicken's live if not eaten? I'm legitimately half expecting him to be on Tai's shoulder at the reunion.
And we knew more about where Mark stood in the game…
True, but I doubt the other 5 would unanimously target him for fear of him also playing his Idol making sure whomever Tai wants goes to jury. Someone would flip which might be enough if their is a lot of insecurity within the 5.
if you follow Reedmond, even he's getting in on the fun for the Season 34 casting rumors.
He might try and use the double vote next time to save his Idol until the very end, but it might not work. If he can get the necklace then great, but he'l need to go on a bit of a challenge blitz to make it to the end.
Yes. The rumors have been a bit off though. Two were supposed to be pre-jury. I heard some solid speculation about something Jeff said in episode 1 though, from a Reddit thread:
And 3 each from both sides of the Tribe Swap!
I still gotta respect him though. All these 20 and 30 somethings are clearly struggling and he still made it up and over the thing. No way he wins but I still respect him for trying.
This is my everything, that is all, winner's edit confirmed: http://www.people.com/peopl…
Yeah the Neos seem to be top dogs and have hands in both Leda and Castor. Topside apparently is just on the Leda side of things. (Ferdinand captured Dr. Cody last year as enemies). Seem s that Dyad itself locked the characters out so they'll be fighting pure Neos this year. On and the religion cult with Gracie's…
OK fine. I asked, and hid them in my comment for someone else that already did want them. I'm a nice hardcore fan ;)
True, I think they got the rights to Neverland halfway through S2 so they just switched gears completely and axed them at the start of the new season.
Greg even had a somewhat sympathetic back story. You'd think he'd be a perfect candidate for Regina to help. Problem is they don't really know how to do accountability/remorse in any of their redemption stories.
With this here, they've redeemed almost all their Big Bads except Pan, Arthur and Cruella and James now that's he's actually met his brother. Even Milah and Gaston could be argued as victims in their episodes recently. I suppose Greg and Tamara are loose ends Underworld wise but nobody cares about them.
Kings & Prophets.
The Neos were/are an inner circle inside Dyad. Publicly their just hipster goths who admired Leekie. Those are the 'tadpoles' as MK calls them, the true Neos that run the cloning projects use them for experiments like the maggot thing. Ethan Duncan said the Neos inside Dyad corrupted his wife. So some of Dyad were…
She was either doing that or stalking the Neos for intel. Helena knew who "Beth" was by the time the show started. It might have been because she killed Maggie, or Maggie had already gotten wind of a new clone group and they were trying to see if Beth connected with the others.
I think Sarah's over it though the person who has a grudge against Helena might call Sarah out on it.