
You're right, she was one of the Proleathan's who trained Helena. But Helena alos said Maggie helped make the clones. So either Maggie was tracking Beth as the next clone to kill or she was going to stalk her former allies and was wrong place wrong time.

Cool. Just to add Coady wanted to cure the Castors but also make the sickness a bio weapon which is why Paul turned on the military.

It's been 2 months since they fought Castor. At most 5 months since Beth died.

Neolution controlling the cop and paramedics according to the website.

No both are new.

Maggie is still in the cult. It turns out Beth didn't know that when she shot her. Sarah assumed it was to protect the clones.

Depends on how long they hold back MKs backstory. It could already go a few ways.

Some of these are already in a comic if you're interested.

Cosima doesn't know MK at all.

There's a whole backstory on MK that comic readers already know part of. There are reasons for her being away from the others. She might be a bit pissed at them as well.

That's the theory. Veeras Dyad tag is 3MK29A. But it's a semi secret to non comic readers.

Yes but theirs also stuff on Comixology for fans to buy for details if they want

Sometimes its only 15 minutes. They usually have at least one actor or writer. The clone doubles wer9 on once.

Oh I think she will come up, having read some tie in materials over the hiatus.

"The ability of various clones to secretly and quickly cross borders in a post-9/11 world"-That's very ironic to anyone whose read the comic about MK (final issue still not out yet).

He's been doing the show in Canada since last year but Innerspace has been with the cast since the start. They both film in Toronto so its easy to get them around each other.

I actually though his scenes here were some of his best on the show. Maybe because he finally knew what the hell Paul was thinking here.

Its not so bad. Space Channel is co-owner of the show and is also in Toronto so the cast have been interacting with the hosts for a while now. Some are only 15 minutes and we get a scene from the next episode and behind the scenes stuff you'd normally see on a DVD.

Driven in with Probst and the voting urn by Keith in a Tuk-Tuk.

True. I assume it's going to cause some big twist, Probst said next week's ending will have us screaming at the TV, I hope Tai and the Chicken are OK!