
Jenny self implosion to blindside the guys really did her in that badly.

Is it more a recent thing? Or could it be traced back to maybe Fairplay even?

The commercial over Caleb not breathing was a bad choice. I didn't like him on BB but do think he deserves another chance here.

My bet is on Cora. She still has unfinished business, probably with Zelena from the sounds of it. Heard a rumor on some thread that Zelena/Hades might be a pairing. Wouldn't surprise me.

How long until they go into the branding vault and pull out the "Lost" name tag?

Hm. I think the max OUAT can go on for is 7 years though.

Chances of them retroactively announcing OUAT Season 6 as the final season?

Lost was able to change it up in the last 3 seasons though. Even before that, I'd argue mostly in S1 it was good for setting up characters and twisting them in S2. S3 is when they started to wear out their welcome though Ben & Juliet helped keep them somewhat interesting and the end of S3 pulled of one of the greatest

I've checked a few casting announcements, they apparently are doing that at least once, they've cast a Young Regina and Young Zelena. Uh, okay I thought they didn't meet until they were adults.

Josh Dallas.

Its a trick they got from Lost but after S1 they forgot how to use naunce with them.

How many more flashbacks of the Snow/Regina feud can they cram in? They already added in the "test" of Hook killing his father before Regina let him see Cora (and thus be set up chronologically for his introduction in S2) and we had one last year of Regina sterilizing herself just to piss off Cora who got out of

Emma wants her boyfriend back. She wants to do a split heart thing to bring him back to life like Snow did for Charming in Season 3. The others tag along because that's how the heroes work.

When "Beth" saved him from the sniper he said My kids thank you, my ex thanks you.

Maybe. Art apparently has a daughter so who knows what'll happen?

Here you go:

Honestly, I doubt Global (who has the Survivor and Big Brother rights here, AR Canada is CTV), has the budget for it. It took the Canada Race until S2 toget a budget boost to do 4 international legs a season.

Apparently the 3 exacs number came from a Mark Burnett interview about Probst calling him at 5 AM a few times.