CL Update, Chicago Med gets small back order:…
CL Update, Chicago Med gets small back order:…
Really? I will check later. I could be misremembering.
Oh yeah, fun fact: Idols used to be played after the votes were read which caused a lot of shock and revotes but they decided it was too much power (and more drama) if you could only play them before the votes came out.
It's actually rare for an Idol to make it all the way to the Final 5 which is the last time it can be played. People that find them are usually targets or have found them multiple times so they get flushed out early.
True but I don't see them letting an Idol be used to skate into the finals.
True, though she didn't finish him off and the show seems to be taking the stance vengeance killing is wrong. It was even done when Hunter beat that guy to death just to get in the same room as Ward.
10 jurors this year. Unless a goat is there I don't really see a 5/5 split. It's probably the two Idols cancel all the votes.
It depends on what is in the contract and the something like a Netflix show that is binged all at once and goes away for a full year has totally different story beats/filming time then something like SHIELD that is stretched from September to May.
Based on edit the final 3 will probably be some combination of Wentworth, Jeremy, Spencer and Tasha.
There has been double Idols plays before, some quite epic.…
Haha male Eliza, yep.
Well he might be targeted soon if that "first: in the finale is a double Idol play so none of the votes count.
We only see part of it though. It looks to us that Jeremy is the glue but they may not see that. He kind of dug his heels into not targeting Keith and to the others that may make him look weak.
Doubt it. You can clearly see Jeff says it while holding a vote. So it's probably no votes count, or a smaller theory I've seen is a tied jury vote.
Aren't Idols allowed to be played at Final 5? They'd still have one more chance after their next vote. Though if both are played at F6 maybe the Producers will hide one or both Idols to get some last minute scrambling both for the search and the voting.
It would be a cool finale but it'd be rather stupid of the other four to let both Jeremy and Wentworth in the end, One of them is going to be knocked out. The one who remains will probably be in the F3 with Spencer and Tasha, based on the edit IMO.
Kimmi is the weakest of the bunch. Keith at least won some stuff. But yeah neither of them is going to the end if we go by edit. Although he does seem like a fun guy.
"Get rid of Tasha, Kimmi and Jeremy, easy." "I am confident in my we. *double thumbs-up.* That right there is classic famous last words. I was so sure he was done.
And The Expanse on the 14th and 15th then 22nd.
It hasn't. Its a three-night two-hour miniseries for next week.