
With a Phil Visit of Shame no less.

Here you go:

OK, TAR Canada has been on fire though. Season 2 had the first medical evacuation I've seen on a Race, a Fast Forward I don't think the US one would even do. Season 3 was so brutal we almost had another medical quit and the challenges were so tough that time penalties were seen as a legitimate strategy and they worked

The one right now has no gimmick and is pretty decent IMO. It has one guy who is a superfan and proposed to his girlfriend with a fake Race trip. He's smug but passionate. He was literally crying when they failed the Fast Forward in the first episode and thought they'd be the first team out.

Heh. The one team that seemed to have chemistry together was brought onto Big Brother only for them to say they aren't actually a couple and basically ignore each other, the guy being the 3rd voted out.

Not the blind dating for two seasons ago?

This is actually a better idea then the pseudo-Bachelor idea they tried two seasons ago.

Kermit and Sheldon from Big Bang have something in common.

She was barely used. She has an OK scene stuck in an elevator and one snippy jab with Denise.

Kermit really looked good. Although Scooter wasn't really at fault for breaking the show. Thermostat problems.

Ha, yeah it is the name is just snark around here. It's real name is Mysteries of Laura, starring Debera Messing.

Possibly yes. Mind-Rumple was the one who told her to get the sword in the first place. They want her to destroy whatever "the light" is. Depending on how she went full Dark One at the end of the Camelot flashbacks will tell us one way or the other.

She still wanted to hang out with him and everything as seen with the horse incident. Thing is she probably set that up to win him over again. Also the Dark One power still influences her when she's alone, she's got Rumple, Nimue and all the rest still guiding her actions.

I enjoyed this too. The whole twisting of semantics for "killed the woman I loved" was a bit annoying but all the other scenes with Merlin & Emma were great. Using the other half of the sword to control Merlin was pretty smart as well. The love story with Merlin and Nimue was a little heavy-handed but it worked for

She's more inclined to use manipulation now as we saw with Hook and Henry in Storybrooke. She's embraced her Dark power so is willing to listen to the other Dark Ones. Whether she's actually got evil plans is a question at this point since she hasn't done much bad in Storybrooke outside of Merida and Belle, but she

Apparently Merlin had noble hopes for Arthur to help defeat the Darkness. Aurthur isn't noble but Merlin was trying to convince him they can still work things out to get rid of evil together and Aurthur can be a hero. Arthur's had enough of Merlin's wild goose chases. What exactly he wants with the full sword is