
I'll still take Jodeci, but Boyz II Men take the silver.

You beee-TAH!

I'll say it - I think Brosnan was the second best Bond, but he had the worst story lines to work with. Goldeneye (as mentioned) was close to a classic Bond, but going up against Clear Channel? Not so compelling. I did like Robbie Coltrane's bit parts in them, though.

"That's an entirely different kind of acting…"

Upvoted for my poor wording.

You can have Breakfast Club, but it was WarGames that made me smitten with Ally Sheedy at a young age…

Imagine the kickass series if Renee Walker were still alive?

I originally misheard it as "Belichick" (being from Boston and all..), and I immediately wanted a Perfect Strangers-type show with the surly coach and the henchman.

That did seem to supplant FIREAXTOTHECHEST!

And most of the time, he's "only going to ask this once!"

That was maybe the most shocking thing about this season so far. My wife and I were incredulous. No disrespect to Edgar (pour a little out), but Heller was a fucking President.

That fries quiz was brilliant.

Same thing happened to me - picked green, got yellow.

The school I teach at frowns upon streaming music, as it takes too much bandwidth for the shitty servers to keep up with. Tomorrow, I may break rules and try and show these 8th graders what's what.

I love the Built to Spill cover, but I didn't know a Slint one existed. I hope they play it live in a couple of weeks.

Can someone do this for Brad Pitt in the Ocean's movies?

Agreed - I was almost tiring of the season, but I watched the last two in a row catching up on DVR stuff, and you're absolutely right. Stellar.

I would have zero problem with an increase to the military budget to make this happen.

I'm so glad someone mentioned the poster. I laughed my ass off at it, and thought it was great that no one even acknowledged it.

All that's left is to tackle the elephant in the room - indeed, what IS the haps with the craps?