Jerry Belushi

In a series full of pedantry, tonight's episode was probably the most aggressively pedantic and annoying to date. It's kind of a mixed bag for me, because I spend like 95% of my day in agreement with every argument Sorkin appears to be making. Could he at least, you know, write well? I know he's capable of it.

In a series full of pedantry, tonight's episode was probably the most aggressively pedantic and annoying to date. It's kind of a mixed bag for me, because I spend like 95% of my day in agreement with every argument Sorkin appears to be making. Could he at least, you know, write well? I know he's capable of it.

To this day, my favorite television edit comes from 'The Big Lebowski'.

To this day, my favorite television edit comes from 'The Big Lebowski'.

Season 7 of Curb. Your argument is invalid.

Season 7 of Curb. Your argument is invalid.

Oh how it fills my heart with joy anytime somebody mentions Chekhov's Gun.

For me, it was both.

Get AIDS before you post.

The Wire should be on this list. We've only got episodic reviews of the fifth season.

I mean, there's already a loose continuity to the series, even if "Frank's Brother" might've problematized Frank's background/origin story a little bit.

I'm glad I wasn't the only person enamored with the idea that Frank might've just been blaming random shit on Obama.