
My favorite part was the teenage party when he was fifteen. Brilliant. Terrific episode, lots of genuine, heartfelt laughs - preposterous rating. If you're going to blame the Simpsons for being redundant, you may as well blame pretty much all entertainment. Its the nuances and the execution that make something new,

The motorbike idea is actually amazing - he just needs to actually make an app out of it. He's got to build on the Uber model and have really reliable bikers who will be charged if they steal anything or mess up that person's car. I can't be the only one who sees that he's got a incredibly profitable idea there.

Its an American version of an awesome Canadian show called Mr. D :)

"This is fake, you can have all of it." was the LOL for me… enjoying the canned laughter and the painful silences :)

I loved the Threehouse Of Horror 20 or 21 I think it was? It had the Sweeny Todd parody with Moe, which is super well done.

Yay, a positive Simpson review, rather than an absurdly negative one I disagree with! People seem to forget there's still a lot they're doing right, and there's a reason its lasted as long as it has.

In case you want to break your heart even more about this episode - take a listen to 'Summer's Gone' by The Beach Boys from 2012… it may just end up being The Beach Boys last song as a group, and is it ever a stunning piece of work. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

The animation of the birthday greeting as the screams are heard in the distance is absolutely bone chilling. I didn't expect Disney TV shows to give me nightmares bigger than their movie moments. Gravity Falls is a freakin' masterpiece.

Go-Go Sanchez Ski Shoes!

I loved that exchange between Summer & Morty the most - when he's masturbating in the kitchen. And also when Beth's drunk; "Its picture day! I want the police to take me!". Spencer Grammer is a really good improviser if that was her working with Sarah & Roiland at the same time, back and forth.

I'm really perplexed about the existence of Mr Poopy Butthole being real - it makes sense that he actually was, considering he wasn't always just nice throughout the episode. Of course he's not actually in any other R&M episodes, so are we seeing a family from another timeline where he existed the whole time as a

Sounds like a great Graham-a-phone company to me. "His master's voice"

LOVED IT SOOO MUCH. Arguably the best episode yet. I couldn't fathom how to make that episode better. Easy A. The Centaurtaur gag took the cake… if it even has a mouth.

Or late 90's Bowie :)

Anything where Zandy Hartig gets lines are my favorite episodes, pretty much. Fawlty is such a great show, and I love seeing it get some more modern day recognition. I'm often more interested in great artists second wind period - for John Cleese it was things like 'Fawlty' and 'A Fish Called Wanda'. For Paul

"Hey you guys want to amp things up?"
"Plug it up, plug it in!"
"What does that mean?"
"Plug in the amp!"
"Oh, right OK."

There's been few times where I agree with the reviewers on this site, and the general commenting populace. This is another time where a time I don't :), Highly enjoyable, B plus episode.

I love that they really make you think you're getting the whole 'Daddy's Boy' musical for a second, waiting a little too long before the normal credits came in. Especially since we're in the strange days of Netflix where time lengths don't matter as much - I could imagine them slapping the whole thing on… There was a

Thank you Parks And Rec, for being a genuinely optimistic comedy. This is a show that believes in people, and humanity's capacity to transform - and the TV landscape so dearly needs series like that to allow the collective unconscious to elevate. Thank you for making a crack in the mold to let the light get in. I'm

I loved the relentless, weak putdowns against Bob… Not sure why. Just did. They were my favorite part. And Gene actually having to man up a bit and stretch as a character. Total classic episode, surprised at the B plus. More of an A minus, or A.