
for the double post.

Just to reiterate from the Parks and Rec TV Club write-up comments last night: YOU GUYS SHOULD REALLY BE COVERING BETTER OFF TED. If only to get more people to watch this wonderful hilarious show that will probably not live beyond its 13-episode first season.

Just to reiterate from the Parks and Rec TV Club write-up comments last night: YOU GUYS SHOULD REALLY BE COVERING BETTER OFF TED. If only to get more people to watch this wonderful hilarious show that will probably not live beyond its 13-episode first season.

Um, treefingers, do you really think it's fair to make those sweeping judgments based on the "bits" of the show that you've "caught before Lost comes on"? Give me a break. Sit down and watch the show, then make with the criticism. Or better yet, don't, because if you actually watch a full episode and devote your

Err, shit, I think I fucked this up. The chair wasn't a doorman, it was some kind of security guard. NEVER MIND I'M A DOOFUS

Seinfeld reference
Did anyone else catch the sly Seinfeld reference when Liz was pestering her doorman? She offered to bring him a chair, just like Jerry (or was it George?) did to the Larry Miller doorman that time.

Better Off Ted is hilarious and wonderful. If ABC gives it a chance — which they won't — it could be the next great single-camera sitcom, in the same vaunted company as Arrested Development, Curb, The Office and 30 Rock. Seriously. Don't say I didn't warn you after it gets cancelled.

Much as I enjoyed this episode, I sort of want to boycott 30 Rock until they give Pete something to do. His reaction to Jenna's "death" was fucking classic. And I keep hoping that the exclamatory "Hornberger!" from earlier this season will catch on in the public lexicon.

Keith, maybe you need to manage your expectations better, because I didn't see any significant drop in quality from the pilot. This is never going to be a laugh-your-ass-off show. It's not going to be a comic whirlwind with ten jokes on every page. The pacing will be slow and deliberate. The

Statham is the man, the first Crank was awesome. Not screening for critics isn't a good sign, but I'm still seeing it no matter what.

Crank 2
It appears that Crank 2 wasn't screened for critics, but can we expect a review up here soon?

hell yes
I just got on board the Breaking Bad train last week and I'm all caught up now. This show fucking kills it.

yeah well
Svankmajer ain't got shit on the weird-ass 1930s Hollywood version of Alice in Wonderland. It's only semi-watchable but it has some crazy special effects for the period and some wild stunt casting including W.C. Fields as Humpty Dumpty. Anyway, one for the Old Cult Canon.

It's really a shame that you stopped covering this. The season is now over, and while it didn't reinvent the wheel, it was really solid and interesting television that more than warrants coverage here. There's really no excuse for bailing on it when you did other than laziness. (Your reasoning— that you

When I saw JCVD I was mentally comparing it to The Wrestler the whole way through. That'd be a great double feature, right there. Although I was kinda disappointed that JCVD ended up morphing into a more-or-less standard thriller vehicle. The best parts were seeing his films disparaged by the judge in the custody

Sita sings the blues
It may not get a commercial release due to music rights issues, but one of my favorite things of the year so far is Nina Paley's gorgeous animated film Sita Sings the Blues. Fortunately it's available online, for free, streaming, here: http://tinyurl.com/asurtw

Can I ask why Hyden is bailing? No offense to Handlen, I just though Hyden's recaps were enjoyable.

Truffaut got failed lastsies.

When prompted, Cobain would name a few different titles as his favorite movie; I think "Over the Edge" and "Rear Window" came up most often. I don't recall his mentioning "Paris Texas" at all, though it's not surprising he would love it.

LOL @ The Movie Boy. Fans of Tom Scharpling know exactly how much to trust that goon.