Shaggy is Easy

I am thoroughly, utterly, completely amused by this converstion.


Protein shake through a meat straw!

I know that this might be the wrong place to suggest it, but, maybe it would be a good time of year to get out of the house and, oh, go to a museum or a zoo, do something non-movie or A/V related.

…the hell is a taco cat?

I came for the Kimchi chronicles, but I stayed for the Lusty Busty Asians!


…stickin' together is what good waffles do.

It's the New Normal!

It's the New Normal!

Long underwear and wool socks are Alaskan lingerie.

Yeah, most of us have already ding-aling danged our dang-along ding-dongs

Don't blame me, I voted for hrrrrrghghgggg arrrrrgggggghhhhh.

Integers?  The proper term is Numerical Americans

I want what the dog is eating.

Thank you Mr Science. 
Up next:  Count Floyd's Scary Stories

…Girl's gotta eat, ya know?…

Liked for the use of "homonculus".
And "rictus".

Oh, REAL mature man…

Fantastic idea.  I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.