Shaggy is Easy

When does it not?

When does it not?

…and it looks like Sunday is all out of cigars…

…and it looks like Sunday is all out of cigars…



Gotta be a cheek check…

Gotta be a cheek check…

It kinda dribbled off there…everyone must have shot their wad off earlier…

It kinda dribbled off there…everyone must have shot their wad off earlier…

Kinda like one, yes…

Kinda like one, yes…

They will settle for a beer and a couch to crash on, man…

They will settle for a beer and a couch to crash on, man…

This…THIS… is why I love the AV Club…

This…THIS… is why I love the AV Club…

….It's in the computer?…..

….It's in the computer?…..

He's got, like, a 50/50 chance at succeeding at rehab, and there's only a 40% chance of that….

He's got, like, a 50/50 chance at succeeding at rehab, and there's only a 40% chance of that….