Shaggy is Easy

You stole my joke!

Major Cleavage.

Don't forget the episode dealing with what really makes one a "berserker"…

SOMEBODY just switched to Sanka today…

Same one popped into my mind too…

I, for one, look forward to serving our squirrel overlords.

that older lady, She was a chunky Bitch!

Sing and you can keep the robe!

Don't be weaverous…

You know, you don't HAVE to buy what they are selling you…

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!

I will never let it go.  NEVER!   DO YOU HEAR ME? NEVER!

…And plant rape, plenty of plant rape scenes…

With a snorkel and scuba mask?

Point 2: Glenn Beck

Screw the Stephen Fry guest spot, when do we get the Philip J. Fry guest spot?


A big pot of chili for the Super Bowl ad fest?

The more you know….

Like the Yeti or Bigfoot, Laurel Canyon only reveals itself to true believers as necessary…