
Disappointment. Dissolution. This show makes meaningless my confusion.

I was actually thinking, "Man, they can come up with a list for anything on the fly" until I got down here.

I'm really hoping he'll make a surprise appearance in the season finale, like Pierce showing up in Repilot. And if they do come back for a 6th, Donald, come on. Come on man!

That shows how much I watch it. Yes, that. But I was specifically thinking of her "get out of my vagina" rant.

This is going to be an incredibly unpopular opinion around here, but I just don't find Amy Poehler funny. I loved her thing at the desk on SNL, especially "Get out of my vagina!", so I'm sure I would adore her as a person, but I just don't find her funny as a comedian.

That was my thought. Joss Whedon would spin some gold about writing. Quentin Tarantino would go off on whatever he'd seen that week. Bay? Total choke.

I hate the sensibility that could create the Transformers movies. Bay's thing is so hyper-alpha, so in your face, that to see him eat it in such a lame, low pressure situation… yes, I liked that.

That was gloriously brutal.

I think their good taste in directors is what made the franchise major in the first place.

Don't be bitter, Ender.

Nice troll attempt, but most fans would have cut off a hand for it to be a success so they'd get more movies. Or at least a toe. I would have done a toe, totally. Like toe #4, the one that doesn't do anything, absolutely.

I am really not a Gunn fan; I feel like he gets credit just for being a provocateur without ever actually being funny. But this time he's a hired gun for Marvel, so hope remains high.

The main reason I like S1 Britta the best is that in S1, she wasn't just a character, she was the female lead. Her character was that fully drawn. I think about moments like when she dressed up and went to the dance to freak Jeff out, or when they hooked up in the paintball episode… She was enough of her own character

My favorite Britta was S1, but I think she's gone for good.

I just want a giant list of words that are British for "vagina", set to a tango.

I will be really sad if Troy doesn't make an appearance in the finale. He's so integral to the show.

Yes. Yes. That kickstarter would so meet its goal. I literally cannot think of any other kickstarter that would be more of a lock.

Michael Jackson dancing with Kanye West (or whoever it was) disagrees. That hologram is plenty doable, though not looking that good or from all angles. But that was fine for a sitcom.

I will miss his sweaters.

I kept waiting for it to go somewhere and when it didn't end on a clearly defined punchline, I realized I'd missed the point.