
The Tonight Show seemed to suck all the funny out of him. It was like there was no air on the stage. He just doesn't have the particular type of mediocrity that appealed to Leno viewers, and trying to mimic it defeated him. He's better, happier, looser and funnier where he is now.

Yeah yeah, and when Bugs Bunny dressed up like a woman I bet you didn't think that was hot either.

It's funny because it's clear.

Man, even the Annie puppet is kinda hot.

I like Alec Baldwin. If you listened to a private voicemail of his, out of context, and feel the need to comment about it however many years later, I think that says more about you than him.

Recently deceased? One can hope.

Four would have been the perfect end to the show: Dexter's son in the pool of his mother's blood, becoming Dexter 2.0.

The S.S. gag did fall flat, and if you've only seen season 4, you'd have no idea it was about Shirley's Sandwiches.

Everyone else seems afraid to say it, but that Vicki is kind of a cunt, right?

God they were. It was the only truly off moment, but it was off so far… it's like they were writing from a template that said "Winger speech now". It was done with no self awareness, is the thing. If a Winger speech was terrible before, at least they'd hang a lampshade on it, or subvert it, or something. That was 100%

I liked the beginning of that ruse exchange, but it did something that this episode seemed to do a lot: make a joke, then point the joke out. We know that "ruse" was the last word in the sentence, that's what makes it a joke. Following it up just causes two lines of dead air. (I forget the other examples from this

I thought it felt more like Community too, but that may have been because it was the first one set at Greendale.

Pierce, about Jeff being Hitler: "So it's just decided. No vote or anything."

I find "the visuals were pedestrian" to be such an odd criticism of this movie. It's like saying the visuals were pedestrian in Glengarry Glen Ross. It doesn't apply to the type of story that's being told.

I find "the visuals were pedestrian" to be such an odd criticism of this movie. It's like saying the visuals were pedestrian in Glengarry Glen Ross. It doesn't apply to the type of story that's being told.

"John Ritter and Gene Siskel get into a fistfight."

I know, it's like making a Batman movie and making the villains… I dunno, The Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul or something.


Mind blown.

The U.S. does horrifying shit to both its own citizens and the rest of the world on a daily basis. What you should be asking is why this type of article is not the norm.