
Falling asleep behind the wheel IS a DUI !

You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm not
changing. I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me.
'Cause I'm the real covfefe.

Now you're backlashing yourself!

Bof Fri Covfefe?

And then you come in with the backlash to the backlash!

Tippecovfefe and Tyler Too!

Beware the perfumed covfefe

i speak of the pompatus of covfefe

this guys needs some self-respect

You mean you don't pocket-mulch?

Unbelievably awesome.

I think there's a lot of suicide in my family's history, but there's like a fifty fucking year waiting period before we talk about it.

You are right.

Welly, welly, welly, Mr. Clean wants to hang with Dirty Dingus McGee.

You've ruined your father; you've crippled your family, and BALDNESS IS HEREDITARY! !!

That puffy shirt kind of makes you look like the Dread Pirate Roberts.

We're crab people now

You are loyal to Quolonel Sanders

#6 is awesome!

We'll know for sure if they post a warning about people giving out ecstasy pills to trick-or-treaters that look like candy.