
What a spectacular blunder that was.

It doesn’t even give me a hard-on.

One way or another, Rabin's gonna nail his little butt.

Not picking the boot is a bootable offense.

I was wondering the same thing.

Fear of a Black Hat was better


Implied…or implode?

I assume it will consist of scenes of Robbie Robbertson talking interspersed with 'Gimme Shelter.'

Slash and Duff aren't lefties!

I've never heard the 400 Unit album. I should check it out.

Yeah, you're right.

I know he hasn't been in the band for a long time, but Jason Isbell's last 2 solo albums are great.

If I make it through this year, I think I'm gonna put this bottle down

You are correct.

Only the penitent man will pass
Only the penitent man will pass

Take to the sea!

Thunderpooch Hammersnatch
Bendybit Plumberback

If they are concluding with the premiere of Star Wars: Episode VII, they are playing all seven episodes, not "all six."

I think they had one.