
Totally agree. I bought this one on iTunes for the gym after reading the AV Club grade but was sorely disappointed.

My favorite underrated Ed Norton: "The Painted Veil." I know it's a soapy drama, but I love it every time. He and Naomi Watts had fabulous chemistry.

I loved "The Illusionist" just because of Edward Norton. I wish he worked more frequently…

"I'd like to keep Spike as my pet."

But her death gave us Ilyria, one of the main reasons why I wish the show had proceeded to an additional season. I loved how the group (and especially Spike) interacted with her. The final season of "Angel" is one of my absolute favorites of all time.

I was thinking the same thing. I was also surprised that the trailer didn't make a bigger deal of the more popular/recognizable stars—Nathan Fillion and Clark Gregg. "Angel" fans will love Denisof and Acker, but they aren't very recognizable these days. Hopefully this will change that.

Gunn was a very well-developed character on "Angel." Granted, he could be cited as an example of racial tokenism, but I think he demonstrates that Whedon has the ability to write diversity.

"Your shirt…"

@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus We can at least do our own Top 10s:

"A RUG? Where a RUG doesn't belong?" He was so great at channeling Bette Davis.

I started right around when you did, and I was just starting high school. My friends used to have huge viewing parties for "Friends." I attended from time to time, but then I had to hurry home to be on the couch in time to watch "Frasier" (with my parents). To this day, I love how sharp the humor is; Niles and Frasier

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus Good point. Different ballgames. I always liked the character of Frasier and the way Grammar played him, but I can see how he might be offputting to others.

I agree it was very self-reverential, but I remember a lot of that episode.

I agree that DHP is more likeable and accessible than Grammar, but Grammar has some tremendous moments in the series. I'm thinking specifically of the night Niles finally tells Daphne about his feelings; Frasier confronts Niles and finally says, "You're my brother, and I love you." Something about the way he said that

I always loved the way she delivered the line, "Well, when there's a dirty job to be done, you can't go wrong with a Mormon."

"Could the McCallister sisters stand back to back, I'm short on bullets?

Is that the same one where she has her secretary/mother pretend to be her sad niece on speakerphone? "I'm frightened, Auntie Bebe…"

"Channel 5…come to Mama!" Harriet Samson Harris was AMAZING on that show. The one where she has to quit smoking is another favorite.

"Madam, your children are NO MORE…than a pair of illbred troublemakers."

I was flipping channels last night and saw him romancing Betty White on "Hot in Cleveland." That must've been fun for him, since Jane Leeves played Daphne and Wendy Malick was his young wife in the final season of "Frasier."