
I love that trash so much.

I know the AV Club is no fan, but Guardians of the Galaxy.

I watched Silence for the first time after Hannibal season one and absolutely loved it. In fact, I binged on all of Thomas Harris' books and all the Hannibal movies during that time, well worth it.

Just read this article and it's pretty batshit:

I was hoping for some Guardians of the Galaxy but since it didn't even make their year end list I have strong doubts.

The Waldo Moment.

And that might be resolved in Civil War so I wouldn't worry too much.

This is a dumb question, but why is The Dissolve "TOS"? Thought this was TOS?

This episode reminds me of The Shield's Co-Pilot clunker, which was the low point in that great series. Co-Pilot spun its wheels to show what was going on immediately before and during the show's pilot (aired a year or two apart) and angered fans with strange retconning and winks that did zero service towards the

Not yet.

Writers just gave the character a bit too much rope to play with.

I recently watched A Love Song for Bobby Long, which they are both in and is one of Scarlett's earlier movies. It wasn't particularly good, but at least it establishes a bit of background between this otherwise pretty odd pairing. She's a class act.

Shaggy's It Wasn't Me is a great karaoke song when really drunk.

It goes down periodically and then people freak out and then it comes back a day or two later, so I assume someone out there still cares.

Castle gets so bad when it tries to be serious, I can't stand the show when it goes for any real drama because it always falls on its face. Keep that 3XK and Beckett's mom's death as far away as possible, please. I also like how the writers just kinda gave up on explaining the how and why Castle disappeared for three

Unrelated but FXX is airing a Wheel of Time pilot tonight at 1:30 AM!

Some of the parallels aren't even coincidental! The second game ends with (spoilers for a 24 year old game) LeChuck telling Guybrush "I am your brother!"

Wow, Chuck backlash. It was a fun show that went on too long but was definitely never as bad as Heroes' lows. Plus it brought us Yvonne Strahovski in every outfit imaginable.

Got to see them in Madison in 2013, was a pretty great event. Go see them!

Because she's a master!