
That Sangria soda is actually available in much nicer glass bottles too. I can get it at my local Kroger in the hispanic food aisle (along with Coke that doesn't leave a ten-hour corn-syrup aftertaste), and it's actually quite good.

When my friend's friend, and more specifically his friend's horrible fiancee, asked him to pick out a wedding song for them, he played that song for them. They were not amused.

Christ, Thanksgiving is tedious.

I was -so- proud of my girlfriend when she watched that movie and realized, without any smart-ass comments from me, that it was TERRIBLE.

Oh god, no. He honestly looks like a guy that got punched a -lot- growing up. Which probably has something to do with the general make-up of his comics.

Portions of the brain responsible for reason, I'm guessing.

Dear Frank Miller:
Go back to writing terrible, insane batman stories and leave politics to the grown-ups, huh? I'm pretty sure that not being cool with the wealthiest 1% hoarding their treasures like dragons does not equal supporting terrorism, shitwit.

Man, it must be cushy for Armond. I wish -I- could be a paid troll.

That game show was fucking great.

Been playing this, and I gotta say I'm impressed at free-to-play done right. In fact, they give you a one month subscription (subs are optional, they juat give you bonuses) free without asking for credit card info and such. You can do everything in the game without spending a dime.

Eh; I like this game, but I honestly think Arkham Asylum was a little better. I feel like this one tried to add too much and ended up feeling really unfocused; plus it seems like there's a lot more emphasis on direct confrontation instead of stealth, which was exactly what I loved about the first game.

To be fair, I seriously didn't hear of this movie until like five days ago.

Oh, I definitely agree. Streaming is now Netflix's last, best hope, so they'd best improve their catalogue. I just think that streaming content as opposed to waiting for a physical disc to be shipped to you is probably the way of the future.

It's funny because it basically -sounds- like a shitty Netflix competitor that was quantum-leaped out of the dot com boom of the nineties.

So, yeah, my local Family Video manager is really happy lately. I was talking to him about the Netflix split, and he basically said "I can't wait; it's going to bring a lot of people back into the store." And it did.

They're just going about it in a really stupid way, and generating the ire of formerly loyal customers in the process. I agree that streaming is the way of the future, but right now internet speeds are just unreliable enough to make HD streaming (when it's even available) kind of a pain in the ass for a lot of people.

Oh christ, I LOVE that line. Honestly I don't get why people would consider it unwatchable, other than the fact that it's slow.

I don't even know why, but "Like hell. More food" gets me every damned time.

Trumpy! You can do STUPID things!