Fread Garvin-male prostitute

Too be fair there are so many reasons to love mystery men that cooks camio is easy to overlook

Well you simple country folk do have some odd means of entertaining yourselves but who am i to judge

Well Trejo did say that Machete exists in the same universe as the Spy Kids franchise so on that note any time your unfortunate enough to end up sitting through one of those movies its kind of fun to imagine all the carnige of the first machete taking place off screen.

Although they might be some of his newer works; The Filth, Sea guy and Joe the barbarian are also good reads

Hell I'd be happy with just a kyle maclachlan camieo. Both Gravity falls and Bates Motell are defenitely two shows that would only further improve by adding more lynchian eiments

** reads the tagline for newly erotisised edition of Cats Cradle** "Not even ice 9 was enough to cool the heat of there passion." **Opens to random page and reads line of first paragraph** " Violently and quickly I turned her on her side and stuck it in deep. Deep into the * of her universe.

Yeah the episode where shen penn apears for a 2nd time makes no dam sense to this day

Yeah its odd how mad about you and murphy brown exist as shows in sienfeld its as if the producers were saying this show exists in a superior unniverse

So if the mad about youverse is the same as the friendsverse dose that mean that Ursula continued to bully and herass Hellen Hunts character because I remember her makeing a cameo where she and a friend confront phoebe in central perk

So is it kind of weird that joey slept with his friends evil twin i mean considering the social implications thats basicly like sleeping with phoebe without her knowing it

Origin of Smurfette; wonder if producers will stay true to source material and show Smurfette transform from her evil black haired version to her good, blond, less jew-ish looking incarnation

I think the reason movies like this employ so many A to C listers is because the star power alone gets them some coverage on shows like ET

Considering the amount of fu#%ing that occurs on his shows im surprised he hasn't already ruined sex for you

That is totally the vibe i got while watching the promos for this show

No it was the wrong priest It just didn't make any difference to Mickey when he found out.

Hollywood game nights not that bad it just harkins back to the days when tv was bland and inoffensive

Well you can only go to Greendale for so long

Well I guess thats better then everyone in 30 rock being dead by his hand
Jack donaghys prediction came hafe true

The Sapranos ending was good for it's time; the Everybody Hates Chris knockoff ending was not. The final season of The Wire is great would have been better had they used another song for the closing montage though

Does anyone else suspect that Saul isn't actually a licensed attorney and that he's been conning the good people of albequerque this whole time? this would explaine his questonable degree from American samoa U and also why we've never seen him in court.