
I see you got my letter, Santa. The cookies are on the coffee table.

coke isn't mexican, silly billy. it just comes up through mexico.

coke isn't mexican, silly billy. it just comes up through mexico.

but i fucking hate people that do that at the end of jokes. i think this was a lose/lose for R Money.

but i fucking hate people that do that at the end of jokes. i think this was a lose/lose for R Money.

i think you meant "Half of that descriptor is half-true, and the other half is not offensive."

i think you meant "Half of that descriptor is half-true, and the other half is not offensive."

this is not the first notification i have gotten for Amanda+Palmer+scabs

this is not the first notification i have gotten for Amanda+Palmer+scabs

searching for The The songs on Kazaa sucked.

searching for The The songs on Kazaa sucked.

they had volkswagens inside and were called gadzooks.

they had volkswagens inside and were called gadzooks.

ugh. keep it simple, simon.

ugh. keep it simple, simon.

i think you are thinking about a different Joe. Larry Brown's Joe is a fucking great book, even without the Devil. i really, really don't want Cage anywhere near anything Larry Brown wrote.

i think you are thinking about a different Joe. Larry Brown's Joe is a fucking great book, even without the Devil. i really, really don't want Cage anywhere near anything Larry Brown wrote.

as long as something is the new truffle oil. that stuff smells like feet.

as long as something is the new truffle oil. that stuff smells like feet.

i submit that Erik Adams is incorrect. i believe the Miss Chanandler Bong thing was a joke about TV Guide not getting his name right and Chandler never bothering to get it corrected. i don't think Chandler chose that name.