
o i agree that the movie should have been nominated, but i just don't think that kutcher fellow was the problem.

flav invented brining? god damn, he's just like hedy lamarr.

that ashton kutcher nomination
is kind of bullshit. i just saw it yesterday, i don't know how it got onto my netflix queue. it sucked and everything, but i wouldn't even say that kutcher was bad in that movie. fuck you, razzies, for shitting on a guy's performance because you hope he will show up and want to use

this is not a pipe.

i think the jesus metaphor breaks down when neo loses but wins.

on top of what mike says in this article, the non-subtitled parts helped me sympathize with michael's character because both of us struggled to understand what was being said and gave up at about the same time. by that i mean i shot two people at the end of the scene and walked out.

@miko: yeah and the great thing about the placebo effect is that it doesn't matter if the place is actually haunted or if wagner once took a shit in one of the closets.

funny, that's what riefenstahl said about the luitpold arena.

@Binky: it's funny in spite of the fact that it's untrue.

John Ritter said "fuck" on the larry sanders show. plus netflix's watch instantly selection is getting better.

i eat a giant pussy whenever i read something about fucking morrissey.

quick test. raise your hand if you would give two shits about hair dye or the possibility of implants if you got the chance to sleep with her.

i saw social d in san antonio about 6 years ago. someone tossed a plastic water bottle and it hit ness in the arm. he threatened to end the show if another bottle was thrown. he's too old for this shit and should have done one more tour after danell died and then quit.

i thought the part where he went back to the beginning but still had the horn was the failed lastie.

maybe steve jobs was parking in the disabled spaces because he had his liver replaced.

ted "oh wait it's some other guy that has cancer" danson. great performance from him, but the writing on the second season was shit. i gave that show a shot, and it missed.

Jewel of Denial?

i'm going to admit this here, because it's a 3 year old article and nobody will ever read this. until i read danrimage's post, i never once thought of luke's leap as a suicide attempt. holy shit i'm dumb.

i dunno where it leaves it, but i leave it in the picture disk's white cardboard cutout sleeve.
