I didn't know Dave Holmes was gay until I heard him on Doug Benson's podcast this week and he mentioned his boyfriend.
@Get The Flit, Henry!
True, but I mean literally, not figuratively.
She's thoroughly wasted. She's in like two short scenes as a crime scene investigator. She's basically on hand to bat her eyelashes at Chris Messina.
@Anywhere I lay my head
At least he doesn't cast himself in this movie as God, though.
No, it's nowhere near as brilliant a comedy as The Wicker Man or The Happening. The toast scene is probably the most egregious moment in the film; it reminded me of all that mood-ring bullshit in The Happening in how awkward it was. But there are some decent bits in the movie too. I didn't hate it as much as Scott…
I actually thought this was a fairly average B-movie. I was shocked that I didn't hate it.
I'm sad
I was really hoping for a Devil/Alpha & Omega A.V. Talk.
Does Jason Statham play the Nutcracker?
Re: Nutcracker
Also, I should read a full second comment before thirding.
I'm thirding it.
I couldn't tell if Romain Duris is hot or not based on the angle of that photo.
Can we make THIS the official thread?