The remake is total shit, though.
The remake is total shit, though.
the original
I was sorta/kinda okay with the original until it started explaining itself with the whole scientific-cause-of-demonic-possession thing. (Is that right?) My eyes began to roll right around there.
So, lately I've been trying to put faces with the writers and 'cast-talkers thanks to Taste Test.
The dude in the flashbacks? No, that wasn't Shyamalan. I don't remember seeing him anywhere in this movie, to be honest.
Why didn't you review it, Tasha?
What has been imagined cannot be unimagined…
Well. At least he didn't cast himself in the title role. You kinda have to applaud that restraint, right?
Holy wow
And Rabin was talked out of giving Grown Ups an F too, right?
Not that I sit around and think about these things, but: Listening to the last AV Talk and reading your comments here, I'm surprised you gave Toy Story 3 an A. You seem to be feeling it more like an A-, or a B+ at least. Is the A mostly due to the last 25 minutes or so?
Daniel Radcliffe
I like that he calls Justin Bieber "it."
Based on the dialog here…
Easy A
I recently saw the trailer for Easy A, and all I could think about while watching was: What the fuck happened to Amanda Bynes' face?
I actually thought Billy Crudup was good as J. Edgar Hoover in whatever that really terrible movie was in which he played J. Edgar Hoover.
Me neither, cuz I thought the aliens had been killed by the bulldozer!
I think the garbageman who picked up Lotso was the one who was driving the truck. Sid was the one who was on the back of the truck to dump in the trash bags, etc.
During that line that explains her (and Etch-a-Sketch's) absence, somebody in my audience cried out "NO!"
I must've meant to ask what was the FUNNIEST favorite moment.
Weird. I remember opting to NOT see Iron Man 2 in at this IMAX theater cuz tickets were like $17 or something. So when I went to get the Toy Story 3 tickets at the same theater, I was shocked — SHOCKED — that they were only $14.
I second everything you said.