Paul Pawl Pall

I personally think this show is leagues above South Park. That show has not aged well at all, for me anyway. Home Movies is much smarter and better-written.

I personally think this show is leagues above South Park. That show has not aged well at all, for me anyway. Home Movies is much smarter and better-written.

Oh man, McGuirk's date with the nurse is my favorite moment of the entire series I think.

Oh man, McGuirk's date with the nurse is my favorite moment of the entire series I think.

I hate To The Five Boroughs, and I love the Beastie Boys AND hip-hop. The prospect of them doing an all-hip-hop album is great on paper, but at that point, it just fell flat. The beats are stale, the rhymes are stale…just disappointing all around. At least Hello Nasty was audacious and tried even when it failed.

I hate To The Five Boroughs, and I love the Beastie Boys AND hip-hop. The prospect of them doing an all-hip-hop album is great on paper, but at that point, it just fell flat. The beats are stale, the rhymes are stale…just disappointing all around. At least Hello Nasty was audacious and tried even when it failed.

First Fat Boys record is a classic. For real. Anyone who doesn't like "Stick 'Em" is a jerk.

First Fat Boys record is a classic. For real. Anyone who doesn't like "Stick 'Em" is a jerk.

I absolutely LOVE In My Head. And yeah, for a long time I ignored post-Damaged Black Flag because certain critics wrote it off as mediocre, which is definitely not true.

I absolutely LOVE In My Head. And yeah, for a long time I ignored post-Damaged Black Flag because certain critics wrote it off as mediocre, which is definitely not true.

I'd only heard of Carman through a music video/live/interview VHS tape my friend picked up in Baltimore at a thrift shop for like $2 (along with one of those metal "video magazines" that never took off). It was chock full of intentional hilarity.

I'd only heard of Carman through a music video/live/interview VHS tape my friend picked up in Baltimore at a thrift shop for like $2 (along with one of those metal "video magazines" that never took off). It was chock full of intentional hilarity.

"But it's not one before the other, it's together, in one. That's okay."

Spikey McMarbles!

I discovered Husker Du in high school, and they were one of my favorite bands for years. I hadn't listened to them in a long, long while until recently, and since my tastes have moved away from indie rock and much more into harcore/noise/experimental/psych territory, I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed their

I discovered Husker Du in high school, and they were one of my favorite bands for years. I hadn't listened to them in a long, long while until recently, and since my tastes have moved away from indie rock and much more into harcore/noise/experimental/psych territory, I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed their

It gets continually and unfairly crapped on, so I'm going to declare my intense love for Land Speed Record. Fucking brutal!

It gets continually and unfairly crapped on, so I'm going to declare my intense love for Land Speed Record. Fucking brutal!

I know, but considering he listed all those '91 records, which included P.M. Dawn's debut, he's obviously going to cover quite a bit of ground next column. And I'd rather read about a record like Derelicts or Atoms than the dude's who sampled Spandeu Ballet and smugly took swips at KRS.

I know, but considering he listed all those '91 records, which included P.M. Dawn's debut, he's obviously going to cover quite a bit of ground next column. And I'd rather read about a record like Derelicts or Atoms than the dude's who sampled Spandeu Ballet and smugly took swips at KRS.