Finn The Hu-man

They think he's Mexican

…scabies, rabies, Mickey Rooney's sugar babies…

…scabies, rabies, Mickey Rooney's sugar babies…

Dammit, I miss the Reed kids.

She could've ended up in a three-way with her daughter?

I like the cut of your jib Mr. el palestino. that avatar is awesome from a design point of view.

Haha, "political disagreements" is probably the best euphemism for what went on there. Well done!

Heh, the Portuguese sucked at colonialism though. Brazil got more prosperous than Portugal pretty early on in the game, and in just compare the two now…

Well, I thought it would look like Pink's head from 'The Wall', so it looks just fine to me.

I can see it.It makes an argument for the happiness of those directly involved over the disgust of those who must witness relationships. Well spotted, @avclub-b5706dc9508d67a01718c142ca80b8b4:disqus hmm.

Agreed, TT should have stayed popped. Friggin' nerfing of good plot threads…

Hmmm, maybe they're doing the indie-pop equivalent of P&F's more top 40 sensibilities with respect to its own musical output. There's a respectable amount of royalty money in it for whoever writes songs for these cartoons…


Goooood, goooood… now if only we could get it here in NZ. The only way I can watch it here is online, dagnabbit.

Ugh, I caught this piece of shit film on TV in Cuba of all places. It was surreal. Next time I hear someone from the US complaining about media censorship there, they're getting a swift slapping. Have you guys gotten Al Jazeera yet?

While sucking its pants?

Awww. Cool.

While I find the whole preteen romance persisting thing a little weird too, a situation where Aang pines for Katara for like 10 years without anything happening, thus slowly but surely turning into an 'internet nice guy' (tm) stalker is much much more horrifying to me.

The weird thing about that song is that she defends it by saying "oh ho, it's ironic because none of it is ironic", but one or two of the scenarios ARE actually ironic, so really, it proves she has no grasp of the subject at all.

Fundamentalism: I strongly believe some straight up ridiculous (and potentially destructive) bullshit.