We'll make our own, union-friendly The The Hobbit, dammit! with blackjack, and hookers!
We'll make our own, union-friendly The The Hobbit, dammit! with blackjack, and hookers!
@EMP Ha Ha! …Sheepshagging.
Hotdogs and Hallways
Those people aren't her fans. Those people just wish they had cool grandmas.
What, no love (or hate) for 'Sally's Song'?
I hate the liberal/conservative dichotomy we've all gotten caught in. In the States at least, 'liberals' fundamentally believe the same bullshit as 'conservatives', but with different groups in mind. The parameters of the arguments never change, just the cosmetics.
Rosie O'donnell played a grown-up Christina Ricci.
I'm not a fan of either show, but both the themes for 'Scrubs' and 'Big Bang Theory' seem to be pretty iconically tied up with them.
Tuyet Nguyen
Rules. That is all.
I will only play this game if it has running Back of the Y-style yelling commentary.
I get the impression that Foreign Language films must be exceedingly hard to view critically, even with subs, simply because so much is lost in translation. 'Secret of Their Eyes' was brilliant in its wordplay, and I disagree with the notion that it can be so easily transfered to a North American context. Half the…
A little closer to 'The Frightened Breast", since 'teta' doesn't necessarily have the same implication of vulgarity as 'tit'. But yeah… scared boobs, and potatoes in pussies. Played for drama. In a post-traumatic indigenous society. I can see a lot of gringos not 'getting it'.
Lance Armstrong
Oh come on, be fair. his perfectly arranged little tableaus lend themselves perfectly to the diorama-like effect of 3d film. It'll be even more disconcertingly dollhousy and precious and everything, which is, I'm sure, the effect he goes for anyway.
Holy crap, imagine 4D. everything would be super geometrical, and transparent, and MOVING!