Brainiac McGee

What can I say? It was the 90's—everybody was doing it. It was a big part of the dating scene—there was this place called Blockbuster that peddled lame chick-flicks on every other street corner.

I'm really glad I missed this article completely back in March.

This is possibly the most misbegotten AV Club article that does not contain the words "sound", "canyon", and "laurel".

They've used the character wisely, avoiding Urkel syndrome.

It's sort of like that hour-long ferryboat ride that Mel Gibson and Goldie Hawn took from Detroit to Racine, Wisconsin in the film "Bird On A Wire"

The geek in me loved how they were able to add that little detail—the plaque bearing the actual original airdate of the episode. For the rest of my life, I'll always remember where I was and what I was doing on 4/24/14.

I read somewhere that they cut out a subplot involving Jamm and Tammy 2.

As well-intentioned as that piece might have been, it will ultimately resonate for its massive underestimation of the sitcom it was attempting to pigeonhole.

The subtext of "Being There" was that those who choose to follow a fool are themselves fools. The subtext of "Forrest Gump" was "Run, Forrest, Run!"

It's late, so I'll be brief, but I feel gratified in that there were times this season when the show seemed to be spinning its wheels, yet I clung to the belief that the writers ultimately had a specific destination in mind—and tonight my faith was rewarded beyond all my expectations.

I do remember that on one of the commentaries it was pointed out that the Simpsons and the Waltons are perhaps the only two families in TV history who attend church every Sunday morning.

Fair enough; I just don't see where this translates into copyright holders being discouraged from using these assets to generate revenues—a quick glance at the $5 bin at any Walmart, the endless parade of budget-priced "Greatest Hits" compilations, and the current wave of "five albums-for-$20" boxed sets would seem to

Be careful to not confuse a sound recording copyright with a song copyright—and this lawsuit, because it is invoking state, and not federal, copyright law is apparently all about the sound recording copyright. Although determining the valuation of IP as a business asset is hardly a science, the value of sound

In all seriousness, this is why the RIAA wants pre-1972 sound recordings to remain outside of federal copyright protection in the US—because it allows them to pick and choose which state copyright statute (out of fifty) best suits their infringement claims. (I believe the only states that do not offer protection are

I remember when this was first broadcast—the (since-excised) joke about Haing S. Ngor was one of the funniest throwaway gags the Simpsons had ever done (at the time).

Well, as Jeff said to Britta: "Because…this is what keeps us all from being pointless!"

But it was promo'ed during "Community" as something like "the biggest news in 'Parks And Recreation' history" (or something equally hyperbolic.)

Let the record show that this comment got a standing ovation.

Coming on the heels of the Jeff/Britta engagement-slash-cliffhanger, the disclosure of Leslie's pregnancy came off as even more of a hackneyed sitcom cliche than it already is.

He was great in "The Fisher King"; the problem is he would then return to that same mawkish "make-you-laugh-and-make-you-cry" formula a few times too many.