
Many a sandwich filled with Underwood's deviled ham did I consume as a kid. It's so salty and fatty I can't really even now, though, it's kind of sickening.

Is hatenvious a word?

But who wouldn't want to tap into the consistent big business and sweet cash represented by role-playing game adaptations? The Dungeons and Dragons movies made at least $40 each, and that's more than a used box set.

It looks like a straight-down-the-path remake, possibly with any sex excised.

Would you say she was also… sassy?

I think the difference is probably one of granularity. An individual movie is remade, a franchise is rebooted.

They actually just gave him a closed box, and a warning not to risk destroying his payment by trying to measure it.

You can't shoehorn boobs. You need a boobhorn to get boobs pointlessly included in a movie.

The room Caleb was trapped in was the same room Ava was in as well as the previous robots and they couldn't get out (as shown in one of the videos Caleb watched).

Whoever edited it together thought it would be funny.

Most people would parse the question with the implication that you could swallow it, but don't. Kissing has to be even more common than dick or cum, right? But the question doesn't imply "tongue" as much as semen. The common answers will be things like gum, mints, tobacco, semen, not spoons, dicks and toothbrushes.

Whatever I found appealing about House of Cards was definitely missing from the British show, I didn't get more than an episode through it.

I genuinely think, if you tried to write a Trump—any any fictional political show—you would constantly be shot down for being unrealistic.

Hm, interesting, I like Veep fine, but I probably would never have described it as having "heart." It's leaving me wondering what you mean by it? I think it has a pretty bleak view of Meyer's relationship with her daughter, for example.

In Las Vegas I saw a woman strip to "Jeremy."

Yeah, and interestingly enough, even though I don't have any actual associations with it in my life it does give me the same kind of queasy feeling it gives Cho.

I kind of think "Object" is their sexiest song.

I think she covers the qualities of the song itself pretty adequately.

That's why you need to keep up with your cock push-ups.

The boner juice doesn't actually cause boners, either, it facilitates them. Unless your boner mental state isn't translating into manifested boners due to something having to do with blood vessels, the juice will do nothing. The boner has to still be your own. So stress and depression will affect it, as will (in God's