
The sonic screwdriver is one of the biggest missteps of the revival (I've said this before).

Yes, I found this searching through comments because I thought it was worthwhile to mention that she clearly wasn't trying to "spice things up" but to shame Henry in some way. He wants to spice it up; she's feeling old, out of touch, left behind; when Henry and she first got together she may think it had something to

Sympathy for Robb

We have a fair number of this type in Oregon. I'm a transplant and a little too "fancy lad" to fit, but, along with regular conservatives and redneck types there are a fair number of labor-positive, social justice-aware men that would look down on someone's inability to fend for yourself in the while, hunt, shoot, fix

I've decided (and two seasons and two books have borne me out) that my enjoyment of both is maximized if I watch the show, then read the book. So I'm following along in the books after I see the matter on the show. I can get all the detail reviewed and filled in by reading the books, but I get to come to the

I was going to say it's Game of Thrones with zombies, except that's… Game of Thrones.

It's supposed to be:

My dad used the urinal next to John Lithgow's ten or fifteen years ago.

That's not what "break it off" means!

Just like how in casting notices, "All-American type" is code for "white", not "having the characteristics of all Americans at once".

The real guilt comes from the fact that she was trying to get the girl dragged from under the bed so she could deliver the Taken monologue to somebody. She's always wanted to do that!

Around here the local Fire Department sells ambulance subscriptions, for the cost of the ambulance, basically. Something about it really irritated me, maybe it was the hard sell tone. I looked long and hard at my health insurance and realized I was ahead of the game even if I used the ambulance twice a year (I never

Dollhouse was gross and I was embarrassed to watch it. I followed it through to what Whedon and others assured me were the "good episodes" and it didn't get any better. I guess eventually it became a different show but I was really yucked out at that point and never had a desired to revisit this. I find it silly to

Wow, thanks for letting me know of the existence of this. I would love it.

Have you seen it? I disagree with the reviewer above, I think this is great and not something to be ashamed of at all. I'm also a fan of Penn & Teller, the performers (not the personality), so that may be my bias. Anyway, it doesn't seem to me like it sucks.

I didn't read it but I knew it was pretty typical. With Anthony you almost have to narrow it down more than "a very detailed account of a pedophilic encounter between a man and an underage girl in which the adult male was portrayed as very sympathetic".

Write to your representatives in support of my tenth Orthography Regulation And Legal Spelling Effects bill: ORALSE X Act of 2013.

I did know someone who was attractive, talented, nice and popular. He was a popular jock who was also a decent friend to very unpopular dweeby me (I wasn't even really a nerd). He was pretty much awesome in every way. I can kind of see why someone would dislike a person like that just because they don't seem to have a

There was squirting on Kim Cattrall as well.

Well, for me her conduct crossed a line when she questioned him about drinking. She knows he goes to meetings, he's an alcoholic, she just smiled ruefully and thought "great, let's have some fun!" That's not really okay.