
I will be sad if john linnnell is not a part of this.

I was really hoping to get Marnie shredding the hell out of this, but even without that it remained entertaining.

Sean O'Neal, this is one of the finest pieces of writing on the internet. You are the king of writing things about Nicolas Cage.

In the last 12 months I've bought:
32 albums from 2011-2012
60 albums from before 2011.

In the last 12 months I've bought:
32 albums from 2011-2012
60 albums from before 2011.

I totally agree, A&EA is one of my top ten albums. Recovering the Satellites is also quite good. Their newer stuff I'm not as big a fan of, but I can't really fault them for not making albums as raw and painful as their first two, you can't keep that up and stay alive.

I'm in the same sidekick boat, outsidedog.

Thanks for letting me know it was Jessie and the Rippers, that would have bothered me all day otherwise.

Join Us is easily their best record since Factory Showroom. This song is so good!

Everypony knows that Rarity is the best character.

It is my birthday.