Evil Lincoln

Daisy is like Amy Pond if instead of traveling with the Doctor, she had been a companion of The Master (or the Rani?) instead.

Maybe it will be Merv Griffin!
"Well, I've just always loved killing people…"

Don Swayze, I never recognize that guy but maybe this will be the role that finally changes that. Though to me his greatest role is still as the guy from the boat club on "It's Always Sunny" who Mac and Dennis are terrified is going to rape them, "because of the implication."

Maybe I am confusing her with the Poe character "Annabelle Lee"…

These reviews and comments make this show, which I was not aware of at all, sound fantastic. I think that I will have to check it out.

Loved Daisy failing to neuralize the fiancee, then just bludgeoning her with the neuralizer.

The Magnificent Seven is perhaps not the greatest film, but there are not a lot of movies that have much more sheer badassery on display (Coburn's knife vs. gun fight, McQueen staring down Wallach and saying: "we deal in lead, friend," Yul Brynner somehow passing himself off as a western hero through sheer intensity,

Amy Poehler and Catherine O'Hara in the same project sounds promising. Especially if there is the potential they will be going at it. I mean "going at it" just in the sense of  having conflict, not having sex….still, I'll be in my bunk.

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus  , yeah before that I only knew Van Holt as the sort of straight man/ tough guy from "Threshold" with Carla Gugino, and I thought he was a bit of a stiff, so him in "John from Cincinnati" was an eye-opening performance for me.

"Damme" should also be acceptable.

Well of course you would say that, you're married to the guy!


I think that Annabelle Gish is beautiful but she is so thin that it disturbed me watching her back in the sex scene. It looked like her spine was going to pop out. So I guess I agree with the cartel lady, she really should put on a few pounds.

Brian Van Holt's greatest low-life character for me was the drug-addled surfer on "John from Cincinnati."

On the other hand though maybe Gina took off because she DID recognize Hank. Also Hank didn't let Marco look in his folder from the psychiatrist's office—maybe there was something incriminating in it.

I can tell you from bitter experience that they do not prefer to be called "chicks," though I'm not sure if I quite understand why. I don't think I have ever come closer to being beaten up by a woman than over this specific term.

Possibly sort of an olive branch for McFarland after it was rumored that Groening & the Futurama peeps approved of South Park's skewering of him (the manatee writers) a while back.

It is all a bit of a betrayal of the spirit of the show's pilot—when Fry upon realizing that he is in the future & will never again see anyone he knew from the 20th century reacts with unabashed glee—but I do sort of love these Fry family backstory episodes regardless.

Well, they certainly breed like rabbits, so you might be on to something, @avclub-e9d181e89ee24c3cc96210b7949e19bc:disqus

I think the Bridge has created an interesting TV world and avoided a lot of cop show cliches so far.