Acting as if a job has disappeared simply because it is now held by an Asian person sounds like jingoism, cookie.
Acting as if a job has disappeared simply because it is now held by an Asian person sounds like jingoism, cookie.
This is awesome - "Group who hates everyone, everything" says that Radiohead is sorta OK.
This would be a bit more valid if the actor in question didn't recently play an all-seeing norse god.
If you did this on purpose, I hate you so much.
Well, obviously opinions differ from person to person. I had a really hard time finishing Good Omens. Eric wasn't very good, but it was, I think, 8 pages long.
Good Omens is fascinating - everytime I have somebody tell me they love it I respond with "I have great news. That's the worst thing Pratchett has written."
The A plot of Reaper Man is really good.
The B plot is super weird and basically everyone forgets that it is in the book because of how weird it is.